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LJSDesigns 01-04-2022 08:17 AM

OLW for 2022
Have you chosen One Little Word for 2022? If so, what is it?

I am still trying to decide on one. Last year was mindful and I did really well with it, especially regarding my health, for the first half of the year, but then I went off the rails. So part of me thinks I should go with it again this year and stick it out for the entire year.

But another part of me is tossing around positive. The last few years have felt very negative to me, so I would like to concentrate on positive things this year, especially at work. It is too easy to be a sour puss there and I would rather not be that person, so thinking about the good things would be a good first step.

Opinions? Which would you choose and why?

jaye 01-04-2022 09:07 AM

I have tried OLW a few times and always fail at it. For some reason the word focus keeps popping in my head, not sure what I am going to do with it, if anything. I would like to give it a go again, maybe I could focus on completing OLW :D

JennNtheBoys 01-04-2022 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by LJSDesigns (Post 1063078966)
Have you chosen One Little Word for 2022? If so, what is it?

I am still trying to decide on one. Last year was mindful and I did really well with it, especially regarding my health, for the first half of the year, but then I went off the rails. So part of me thinks I should go with it again this year and stick it out for the entire year.

But another part of me is tossing around positive. The last few years have felt very negative to me, so I would like to concentrate on positive things this year, especially at work. It is too easy to be a sour puss there and I would rather not be that person, so thinking about the good things would be a good first step.

Opinions? Which would you choose and why?

I like the idea of Positivity..... can't go wrong with that one, and you are right, after the past two years, we all could use the remind to let more positivity in. :)

I don't usually do well with picking and sticking to a OLW "mantra", however, I have to do a lot of downsizing and a lot of letting go this year, so I think if I were going to pick a word to keep me motivate it's going to need to be "Simplicity".... I think I'll need that word to not only get through my stuff, but also to keep me from over thinking / over planning so I can work more quickly.

tanyiadeskins 01-04-2022 11:02 AM

I am choosing, "Do."

No more excuses ... I can DO whatever the heck I want these days, but because of my agoraphobia I seem to have a serious problem going out and doing things alone. Like walks or hikes, etc. So this year, I am going to enjoy the freedom of not having to work (ty husband) and having no kids at home and I am going to learn that I can DO anything I want :) I got this!!!

hollyxann 01-04-2022 11:41 AM

Positivity is a good one! It's a good way to remind yourself to find the positive in everything.

I have it narrowed down to 3 but can't seem to decide on one.

Enough, priorities/prioritize, simplify

kristalund 01-04-2022 12:33 PM

I have never chose a OLW. Not sure why not???

Ponytails 01-04-2022 01:22 PM

I've never done it either, and I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do with it, to be honest. Is it just an "idea" that you try to focus on through the year, or are you scrapping pages on that theme? Can someone please explain?

Obviously I've heard of it, I just don't know what to do with it.

Leablahblah 01-04-2022 02:57 PM

I don't remember the one I picked last year... I never do.

This year I pick LOSE as in lose that belly!

LJSDesigns 01-04-2022 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ponytails (Post 1063078983)
I've never done it either, and I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do with it, to be honest. Is it just an "idea" that you try to focus on through the year, or are you scrapping pages on that theme? Can someone please explain?

Obviously I've heard of it, I just don't know what to do with it.

Allie Edwards started it. This is from her site:

What is One Little Word®?

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word to focus on, to live with, to investigate, to write about, to craft with, and to reflect upon as I go about my daily life. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another—a process I document via simple creative monthly prompts from January to December.

You're invited to join me in choosing your own One Little Word®.

She has workshops for scrappers on their little words and scrapbooking products for the more popular words.

Over time it has become a movement that doesn't have to involve scrapping. I think it is just a word you pick to focus on that will help you improve your life over the year. And it does require making it a part of your life, thinking about it and if it is an action, doing it.

For me it is a little inspiration at the start of the year to get me going in a good direction.

rach3975 01-04-2022 07:08 PM

I kind of think of OLW as an alternative to NY resolutions, a broad theme that you want to work on rather than actions (ie, I'll go to the gym). I do terrible with resolutions (weeks at best--I need to make changes when I'm motivated, not when we change the calendar). I've never made it a full year with OLW, but I still like the idea of choosing a word and living with it for a few months.

I know what I want my word to reflect, but I'm still choosing the specific word. I was thinking "opportunities" or "growth" but neither one feels quite right. There are going to be a lot of changes in my life this year. My oldest will be leaving for college and I'm going to be leaving something that has been a major part of my life for 15+ years. (Vague, I know. But I haven't told the people who need to know yet, and just in case anyone connected happens to be part of the SSD community...) The changes are all for great reasons and new opportunities, but I hate major changes and need to keep reminding myself of the positives that will come from them. Lorie, your idea of using "positive" is speaking to me more than "opportunities" or "growth."

As for mindful vs. positive, I like the idea of a fresh start with positive. Being unhappy at work (or anyplace you spend a significant amount of time) can spill over into all parts of your life. Positive can also cover the health changes you mentioned, since you're doing things that are positive for your body or mind.

LeeAndra 01-04-2022 10:23 PM

My 2022 OLW is exult (to show or express triumphant joy). I worked my behind off for the last few years to get to where I am now, and I want to really enjoy it this year.

I'm also attempting #New52 (one new thing every week) and will marry the two things together over the course of the year.

LeeAndra 01-04-2022 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ponytails (Post 1063078983)
I've never done it either, and I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do with it, to be honest. Is it just an "idea" that you try to focus on through the year, or are you scrapping pages on that theme? Can someone please explain?

Obviously I've heard of it, I just don't know what to do with it.

I change my Facebook banner to my word so that I see it nearly every day and can't forget it. I use it as a guiding force, I guess, for the year. I don't do a whole special project like Ali does but I do make some goals for the year with my word in mind and usually make a page or two for the family album. My word tends to find ways to sneak into my life in ways I don't expect.... like how my word was "hearten" this year and I had issues with my actual heart in February and found the love of my life (who has heartened me in so many ways) in July.

tjscraps 01-04-2022 10:51 PM

I'm picking health- we have had some health issues lately so we need to focus on this (not weight loss, just health!)

lovely1m 01-05-2022 12:42 PM

I chose Breathe. I need to remember that with everything I have going on in my life, it’s important to stop and breathe. To remember all I have, all I am, breathe in the good, breathe out the bad. Breathe.

MamaBee 01-05-2022 03:31 PM

I pick one every year - and promptly forget it by February... but doesn't stop me from trying again each year.

I've really struggled this year picking one... I think I've settled on harmony. There is too must strife in my life between my health issues, relationships with my teen and homeschooling, hubby stressed with new job and trying to be a supportive wife, too much junk in my house, house that feels like it's constant chaos, etc... I to strive to bring things into harmony.

NeverendingJen 01-05-2022 03:31 PM

Pause. I need to pause on everything extra and just live in the moment, especially with a baby coming

Dalis 01-05-2022 04:16 PM


Kjersti 01-05-2022 05:10 PM

Mine is a phrase - and it seems fitting with my youngest going off to college.
Thanks for the memories we're about to have!

Ponytails 01-05-2022 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by LJSDesigns (Post 1063079010)
Allie Edwards started it. This is from her site:

What is One Little Word®?

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word to focus on, to live with, to investigate, to write about, to craft with, and to reflect upon as I go about my daily life. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another—a process I document via simple creative monthly prompts from January to December.

You're invited to join me in choosing your own One Little Word®.

She has workshops for scrappers on their little words and scrapbooking products for the more popular words.

Over time it has become a movement that doesn't have to involve scrapping. I think it is just a word you pick to focus on that will help you improve your life over the year. And it does require making it a part of your life, thinking about it and if it is an action, doing it.

For me it is a little inspiration at the start of the year to get me going in a good direction.

Thanks for that... I'll definitely have to give it some thought.

bienejen 01-05-2022 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by LJSDesigns (Post 1063078966)
Have you chosen One Little Word for 2022? If so, what is it?

I am still trying to decide on one. Last year was mindful and I did really well with it, especially regarding my health, for the first half of the year, but then I went off the rails. So part of me thinks I should go with it again this year and stick it out for the entire year.

But another part of me is tossing around positive. The last few years have felt very negative to me, so I would like to concentrate on positive things this year, especially at work. It is too easy to be a sour puss there and I would rather not be that person, so thinking about the good things would be a good first step.

Opinions? Which would you choose and why?

I'd lean towards mindful. They both go together pretty well, though. When you're being mindful of your attitude, your health, etc, you can steer yourself to be positive, make positive choices. Be mindful of your current mood and make the choice to change it if need be. That's just my $.02

There are some great words listed so far! I've never done very well sticking with OLW but I'm gravitating towards DO. There are so many aspects of my life I could apply it to.

stephc777 01-06-2022 06:03 PM

Mine is Hope! There have been some discouraging things in my life lately and I want to focus on the good things in my life and God's promises. I've been seeing this word everywhere and I've been trying to write down when I see it and in what context for encouragement.

Lidia G 01-06-2022 06:40 PM

My OLW is simply GO. I find that I have to remind myself that if I want to get anything done, all I have to do is GO! As in right now I have to get off this chair and GO make dinner! :)

clearskies 01-07-2022 10:48 PM


I had grow last year and feel like I'm not 'done' with it....but cultivate makes me think of growth, but with intentional pruning...

I highly recommend Ali Edward's class...especially if you're new to OLW. It offers monthly creative prompts to help you connect with your word.

justpattyanne 01-07-2022 11:21 PM

I have not yet decided on my OLW for 2022...
A sampling from the past... Mindful, Present, Enthusiasm, Connect

I am feeling SO STUCK in my life, buried under...

So, oddly, I'm contemplating "Dig" as in
"Dig in" to tackle my life again
"Dig out" from all that is weighing me down
"Dig it" as in dig my life, and if I'm not digging something, it's got to go.

Besides Allie, I also like Danielle LaPorte for seeking my words. Her books "The Desire Map" and "The Fire-Starter Sessions" help me to simmer and stew down to the focus for my coming year.

LJSDesigns 01-08-2022 11:34 AM

You all have either chosen or are contemplating some great words. OLW is like 30 days of thanks for me, as it gives me prompts to think about things I need to improve while being thankful for all the good I have. I'm sure you have all heard me say plenty of times that words are my thing, so it is not surprising that I think there is power in picking words of gratitude and motivation to center my thoughts on.

So this year I am going to use positive and be mindful that all my choices are motivated to the effort of living a more positive life in all areas, attitude, health, business, etc. I think I gravitated more to it because I feel like I have let negative things bring me low and it is time to rise above that.

Thanks for your opinions and inspiration! <3

BrattyMeg 01-09-2022 01:00 AM

I've been trying to choose a word for a couple weeks now and no clue what to go with. I am leaning toward Nurture. I attempted to have this word in 2020 but feel like I need to revisit it. I recently got married so I want to nurture this relationship..nurture my family relationship, my friendships, my designing etc..

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