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ErinShannon 02-07-2018 10:01 AM

Do you reuse kits?
Hi all -

Just curious if you reuse kits? If so, does it matter how much older it is? I find I tend to only use them once and then I am done.


Gemma 02-07-2018 10:04 AM

I never used to, I only used to use them once and never again. Now I reuse them a few times, especially if they fit the photos I want to use :)

Saar 02-07-2018 10:14 AM

Yes, I do. All the time.
No matter if they are old or not. If I'm in love with a kit I'll use it over and over again.

I recently did two pages with Kristin and Flergs' scrap your stories: love kit.



And I have TONS of pages Kristins' the great outdoors: explore.


Those two kits are not the only ones I reuse.

JennNtheBoys 02-07-2018 10:22 AM

I use kits over and over again.... in fact, I only buy kits that I know I can get multiple uses out of them. I did scrap because it's more affordable than paper scrapping.... If I only used a kit once, I may as well go back to paper scrapping because I know I can scrap a paper page for less than one use of a kit. :)

LeeAndra 02-07-2018 10:24 AM

Generally, no, but I will if it's a very themed kit like a Christmas or birthday one if I really like it.

I did use KCB's music/concert kit twice this year:



nietis 02-07-2018 10:30 AM

I rarely do, unless I have a specific theme/purpose to scrap it with :)

anelia 02-07-2018 10:43 AM

I always do it if the kit fits my photos or theme :) I love reusing kits because you cannot use all the paper and ellies on one page.

allyanne 02-07-2018 10:51 AM

I use and re-use the same kits as many times as possible! I echo some of the comments above--it makes more sense financially, I only buy kits I love enough to use over and over, and it's the best way to use all those pretty papers and embellishments. Also, I find that I don't really hit my stride with a kit until I've used it a few times. It's a creative challenge to come up with new ways to use old things.

tanyiadeskins 02-07-2018 10:56 AM

I use a kit twice generally then get rid of it. BUT if I really love it I will keep it and use it again a year later etc. I tend to do this most with certain designers. Like KCB or Flergs. I have trouble getting rid of those lol. Also if its great colors because I can always make them work off topic. Here are two examples:

These three were done with Congratulations by KCB in 2014, and two in 2018




These were both done in May of 2014 with Great Outdoors: Explore by KCB



biancka 02-07-2018 11:11 AM

I sure do.......for my CTs, I use kits on their own but after that I combine lots of kits. Love to do that :)

rach3975 02-07-2018 11:22 AM

Definitely! Kits usually have so much variety that it's easy to scrap multiple pages that look nothing alike. I almost always buy kits that I can see myself using multiple times. Even when I'm considering something very themed, like a graduation kit, I only buy it if I think I'll be scrapping multiple pages of the occasion.

Sometimes I start to feel like I've used a kit too often in a given album, but I'll still use it for pages from other years that won't be in the same photobook.

ErinShannon 02-07-2018 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by JennNtheBoys (Post 1062905955)
I use kits over and over again.... in fact, I only buy kits that I know I can get multiple uses out of them. I did scrap because it's more affordable than paper scrapping.... If I only used a kit once, I may as well go back to paper scrapping because I know I can scrap a paper page for less than one use of a kit. :)

See that is what's getting me lately - I feel guilty spending the money and only using it once. I am working on changing this though and trying to go back and reuse ones and going forward only buying stuff that I know I can or want to use multiple times.

craftytam 02-07-2018 11:29 AM

I definitely use kits over again. I think you can get so many different looks from one kit!

kristalund 02-07-2018 11:35 AM

I usually only use a kit once unless I am creating a photo album like for a vacation.

adi&co. 02-07-2018 12:53 PM

I always make at least two pages with a kit. I’m a bit nit picky and like my facing pages to be made from the same kit. I’ve gone into my photos and organized them so I have a “needs to be scrapped” folder for each month and inside that folder, each kid has a folder for pics for their specific books and each set of photos are paired together so I can look and know exactly which pics will be facing each other when put into a book in chronological order.

NeverendingJen 02-07-2018 02:30 PM

Yes. I don't like waste, digital or otherwise, and it seems very wasteful to me personally to buy a kit and only use it once. One of the big reasons I scrap digi was because it's so much more cost effective than paper scrapping because I can reuse kits so much. I tend to use a kit 3-4 times, then once I'm not in love with the entire kit any more break it into pieces- save alphas, specific elements, etc

renatasluis 02-07-2018 04:20 PM

Over and over.why just use it once.i bought i kit because i liked it .

jak 02-07-2018 04:34 PM

I find I use any outdoorsy kits over and over (especially Kristin's Great Outdoors series) - there's just not enough of them around to scrap all my hiking/camping/holiday photos!

Other kits, not so much.

ChristineF 02-07-2018 04:49 PM

I use most of mine over and over. Some I’ve used almost too many times and some not so often. I tend to use Kristin and Megs’ kits more often though. Their designs just fit me and my scrapping. I actually think my entire PL album for 2017 is Flergs/KCB kits.

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color of my heart 02-07-2018 06:59 PM

all the time. my stash isn't huge. and i don't purge old kits either. so i reuse and reuse and reuse.

joelsgirl 02-07-2018 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by ErinShannon (Post 1062905974)
See that is what's getting me lately - I feel guilty spending the money and only using it once. I am working on changing this though and trying to go back and reuse ones and going forward only buying stuff that I know I can or want to use multiple times.

I think you should not feel guilty if you only use it once because how many of us have folders and folders of supplies we've paid for and never even opened. (And how many of us have actually forgotten to DOWNLOAD a kit after buying it?? raises hand)

As long as I use a kit once, I don't feel guilty and this is why: Every time I buy digital scrapbook supplies, the money goes into the hands of women who work hard to create these products. Not into the hands of big business, but into the hands of someone I know. And I love that. So guilt be gone!

littlekiwi 02-07-2018 09:44 PM

I use kits over and over and over

LynnZant 02-07-2018 10:49 PM

Yes. And some I've never use.

Hpgirl 02-07-2018 10:56 PM

I tend to buy themed kits rather than mood kits, so I make myself think of at least two pages that I would use it on before I buy it. I also ask myself a) if it's filling a genuine hole in my collection that's preventing me from properly scrapping certain stories and b) do I have something similar enough to make it work? I've been trying to cut down on my shopping across the board, so I'm trying only to buy things that I know I'll use. I have one particular kit that I've used bits and pieces of well over 25 times; that's been my best value so far.

I do give myself a couple of exceptions. I can buy a very specific themed kit if a page has been sitting on my to-scrap list for over a year because I don't have any kits that will work for it (still holding out for a Phantom of the Opera theater type kit and a dark colored Christmas lights kit). On the other hand, I'll also almost automatically buy any Star Wars and HP kits because I scrap a ton of those pages, so by the time new ones are released in the shop I've already gotten bored of the ones I have.

Saar 02-08-2018 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by jak (Post 1062906032)
I find I use any outdoorsy kits over and over (especially Kristin's Great Outdoors series) - there's just not enough of them around to scrap all my hiking/camping/holiday photos!

Other kits, not so much.

Yes, this!

KimGeling 02-08-2018 12:58 AM

I definitely reuse kits as much as I can and then I mix and match to make them stretch further. I love that digi supplies are so reusable.

rach3975 02-08-2018 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by joelsgirl (Post 1062906067)
As long as I use a kit once, I don't feel guilty and this is why: Every time I buy digital scrapbook supplies, the money goes into the hands of women who work hard to create these products. Not into the hands of big business, but into the hands of someone I know. And I love that. So guilt be gone!

So true!

kc33558 02-09-2018 09:17 AM

Yes, I am about to reuse Amanda Yi and Two Tiny Turtles' Adventure Awaits for one of the birthday challenges!

SmallMoments 02-09-2018 09:38 AM

I used to reuse kits quite often. Now I hardly scrap, so when I do, I usually use a new kit. Usually.

Kjersti 02-09-2018 12:04 PM

I don't use the entire kit very often...but I do pull out the flowers and greenery!

chinagrrl 02-09-2018 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by JennNtheBoys (Post 1062905955)
I use kits over and over again.... in fact, I only buy kits that I know I can get multiple uses out of them. I did scrap because it's more affordable than paper scrapping.... If I only used a kit once, I may as well go back to paper scrapping because I know I can scrap a paper page for less than one use of a kit. :)

this. :thumbup:

when i make a page, i typically use only 2-3 papers from the kit, even though there are usually at least 10. i can't imagine using the kit only once. you can get so many looks from just one kit. i even re-color elements and papers to get more use out of them.

Neverland Scraps 02-09-2018 01:29 PM

I use them all the time. There are a few of my go-to favorites. A lot of what I buy I intend to use more than once

scrpprgirl 02-09-2018 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by JennNtheBoys (Post 1062905955)
I use kits over and over again.... in fact, I only buy kits that I know I can get multiple uses out of them. I did scrap because it's more affordable than paper scrapping.... If I only used a kit once, I may as well go back to paper scrapping because I know I can scrap a paper page for less than one use of a kit. :)

I'm just kind of starting out but this is my goal. I have a hard time spending money on myself so I need to stretch any purchase I buy as far as I can to be okay with it. Spending money on anyone else in the family doesn't bother me as much for some reason. I'm a saver though. It is very hard though because there are such beautiful kits here :wub: Now I just have to figure out to reuse and have it look different still LoL.

Kiana 02-09-2018 07:02 PM


ErinShannon 02-09-2018 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by joelsgirl (Post 1062906067)
I think you should not feel guilty if you only use it once because how many of us have folders and folders of supplies we've paid for and never even opened. (And how many of us have actually forgotten to DOWNLOAD a kit after buying it?? raises hand)

As long as I use a kit once, I don't feel guilty and this is why: Every time I buy digital scrapbook supplies, the money goes into the hands of women who work hard to create these products. Not into the hands of big business, but into the hands of someone I know. And I love that. So guilt be gone!

So much truth to that ...I mean, what else do I buy regularly that I can say I know exactly where my money is going ?! I love that this hobby helps support these amazing women!!!

ErinShannon 02-09-2018 08:51 PM

I just have to say there are some absolutely fabulous layouts in this thread!! <3

aurian 02-09-2018 09:11 PM

I definitely like to reuse kits that I purchase (or have access to as part of a CT). Christmas and birthday kits get used and mixed with other kits a lot. Agreed, it is easy for some products to get lost in your stash, there's nothing quite like 'shopping' through your folders to find some gems that you've forgotten about to scrap with again! (and when the 50% off email comes around weekly, I'm reminded often of kits I haven't used in a while too)

Chels85 02-09-2018 10:46 PM

yes i do, mostly my favorite ones

KristinCB 02-09-2018 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Chels85 (Post 1062906607)
yes i do, mostly my favorite ones

hey!!! it's good to see you pop in! :wub::wub:

ChristineF 02-10-2018 04:13 AM

At first I used to buy any kit I liked the look of, then I ended up not using them all very much. I realised I kept using Kristin's kits and Flergs' kits most of the time so I stuck to those for a while. Now I have a rule that I won't let myself buy a kit unless it's a Kristin or Flergs kit, and only if I really need it.

SeattleSheri 02-10-2018 04:20 AM

Occasionally, but it's the exception rather than the norm. If I had more time, I totally would do it more often.

lovely1m 02-10-2018 12:05 PM

I didn't used to, but I haven't been buying much lately and I am not on nearly as many teams as I used to. Thus lately, I have been reusing them, even old ones.

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