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LeeAndra 12-02-2015 11:06 AM

QOTD - Star Wars - 12.02.15
DISCLAIMER: I am not a Star Wars fan. In fact, I have never even seen an entire Star Wars movie. *ducks*

Are you planning on going to see the new Star Wars movie? Are you (or your family) a huge fan? HOW BIG OF A FAN ARE YOU?! [Insert the geekiest Star Warselated thing you have ever done here.]

catgoddess 12-02-2015 11:39 AM

Matt has a storm trooper tattoo... so, yeah, we're going. LOL I'm definitely a Trekkie, but never got into Star Wars. I've seen all the movies, though, I'm just not a huge fan. They're just OK to me, but he loves them.

We'll probably go opening weekend, but not opening night.

carrie1977 12-02-2015 12:12 PM

I'm not a Star Wars fan myself....but my son is. He is 8 and is obsessed. He is all ready to watch the new movie. He and my oldest brother already have tickets to go. It's so cute hearing them talk Star Wars together. My brother lives about two hours away from us and he is coming down to pick him up so that they can go together. It melts my heart that he'll do that with my son. I just love him.

annet83 12-02-2015 12:34 PM

Yes!!! Although I like the original trilogy better than the prequels. But the original cast is in this one, so I'm excited for that! When I saw the trailer with Han Solo and Chewbacca: "Chewie, we're home." I was really fangirling haha.

MamaBee 12-02-2015 12:53 PM

oh my God, no! :D

The last time I willingly went to see a Star Wars movie was the second prequel and I was on date two with my now husband... had to make a good impression! :P My hubby is more of a trekkie, so it's not like he is even thinking of asking if I would go.

michelepixels 12-02-2015 12:58 PM

I saw the originals but I don't think I saw any of the prequels. My husband was a fan of the originals and disappointed in the prequels but the upcoming movie has renewed his interest. Recently he and our kids watched the original trilogy all at once. (I only watched the first movie, then fell asleep!)

mariewilcox 12-02-2015 01:28 PM

No. LOL - not a fan and never was. I actually pretty much hate all sci-fi stuff. Cheyanne is horrified at the thought of having to sit through a movie like that so she's glad I hate them too! :D

JenM 12-02-2015 02:03 PM

My three boys (I'm lumping my husband into that one) are HUGE star wars fans. I've seen all the movies and played the video games and I'm sure I'll go see this one too but I've already told my crew that we are not going opening night and they be lucky if we even see it in 2015 because I hate crowds.

I'm worried with all the hype around this movie and the trailers that we are seeing the best parts of the movie already. I hope it is good.

britaneejean 12-02-2015 02:14 PM

Not a fan. I remember watching the original 3 when I was a child and then my dad checked us out to watch the "prequels" and I remember not liking them. I haven't seen any in years. This one doesn't interest me. I'm just not into sci-fi movies. :/ My husband is interested I think. I might need to go watch it just to make him happy.

Saar 12-02-2015 02:15 PM

I am going!
I love Star Wars ever since I was a child.
My dad loves it too, so I grew up with Episode 4, 5 and 6.

jak 12-02-2015 03:52 PM

We'll be going - probably not in the opening week coz I hate crowds...

My boys are both into SW big time - we have a gazillion SW Lego sets, various books, t-shirts, PJs and we have all six movies on DVD which they have watched over and over.

I refuse to buy any of the SW merchandise that's coming out with the new movies though - the retailers are going over the top milking this new trilogy. It started months ago... I haven't seen anything quite at this scale before!

flergs 12-02-2015 04:07 PM

We love it here. But have to wait for DVD :( No cinema near us and a toddler too. To go to the movies is near impossible. But I'm so excited to see the newest one!

Lyd 12-02-2015 04:11 PM

We are Star Wars fans here. Hubby and I have tickets for us and our two boys to go see the new movie for DH's birthday on 12/23. The boys are suuuuuuuper excited. I do like Star Wars, but I mostly just love Harrison Ford. Lol.

mariewilcox 12-02-2015 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lyd (Post 1062785964)
We are Star Wars fans here. Hubby and I have tickets for us and our two boys to go see the new movie for DH's birthday on 12/23. The boys are suuuuuuuper excited. I do like Star Wars, but I mostly just love Harrison Ford. Lol.

LOL - I could almost go just for Harry but can't quite do it :D

renatasluis 12-02-2015 04:40 PM

My sons want to go, they are 13 and 17, so they can go alone or with their dad.
i think the movies are boring.
they were on television last summer, 6 of them, and they wanted me to watch with them.not my style

Beth Swann 12-02-2015 04:46 PM

I am totally into Star Wars and way excited about it. But I will definitely wait until the crowds die down before going. I grew up with it and it was a connection I had as a child with my brothers and my cousins. And I love passing that excitement down to my kids. However, if it wasn't ingrained into my childhood so much, I probably wouldn't like it as much as I do.

When movies were all on VHS and they weren't as readily available back then as they are today, I went to the Space Store or Star Wars area of Disneyland when I was 18 and I bought the trilogy (4, 5, & 6) because I couldn't find it for sale anywhere else. And it wasn't cheap either. I think I paid $55 plus tax for 3 VHS movies. My brothers borrowed it all the time. Then it came to DVD and I bought the DVD trilogy set.

Seeing all the Star Wars stuff in the stores is so exciting to me and makes me feel like a kid again. So many happy memories!

Target's dollar section had a bunch of random Star Wars stuff so I picked up a few things for my son. And I got myself a keychain with the movie logo.

pewtertm 12-02-2015 05:18 PM

Definitely! I grew up of the original trilogy...Harrison Ford as Han Solo was my first movie star crush. Even as an 8 year old I thought Luke looked wimpy. I had the toys, hundreds of the bubble gum cards, the books, posters, etc.
The prequels sucked IMO...so the upcoming movie is one I've been looking forward to since we left the gang on Endor back in 1983.

Rachel is a fan also, and our family has our Force Awakens seating reserved (yay for being able to reserve specific seats...no waiting in long lines for hours!) for Dec 19.

carrie1977 12-02-2015 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by pewtertm (Post 1062785992)
Rachel is a fan also, and our family has our Force Awakens seating reserved (yay for being able to reserve specific seats...no waiting in long lines for hours!) for Dec 19.

How cool is that?! I wish we could request specific seats! You must have a cool theater.

pewtertm 12-02-2015 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by carrie1977 (Post 1062786010)
How cool is that?! I wish we could request specific seats! You must have a cool theater.

It's actually an AMC theater...nice, a little more expensive than our Cinemark, but well worth it when it's going to be a sold out show. The other thing we like is that the seats are extra-wide recliners that lean all the way back (you can basically lay down) with cushy armrests on both sides :D

carrie1977 12-02-2015 07:04 PM

Oh gosh...I'd for sure fall asleep if the chairs were that comfy. LOL!

nesser1981 12-02-2015 07:21 PM

We all are. We have our tickets already for the 18th. Sean is going to take Keira & Cooper again on the 23rd with his dad.

aussiegirl 12-02-2015 10:26 PM

We are fairly big Star Wars fans (my husband bigger than the rest of us, but he gladly brings us along for the ride!) We plan on going to a matinee the day after it releases. We are all going to wear our Star Wars shirts (although, we still need at least 1 more- for my oldest daughter).

We're pretty excited for this!!! :)

carriesmom 12-02-2015 10:49 PM

Oh absolutely! We are planning to see if me and my husband and then after watching it, taking our girls. I have been a Star Wars fan since I saw them as a kid. We are a whole family of nerds. I have a stuffed Chewie and a giant Pez of Darth Vadewr.

Julie Billingsley 12-03-2015 02:01 AM

Yes, we are big Star Wars fans and have our tickets already for the new movie.

The very first movie came out when I was 6 years old. My babysitter wanted to see it and drug me along. It was sold out, so we had to wait in line for 2+ hours to see the next showing. From that moment I was a lifelong fan. I had all the little action figures, reenacted scenes from the movie, and dreamed of being Princess Leia.

I'm not a big lover of movies 1-3 (Jar Jar Binks and Hayden Christensen ruined them), but the original 4-6 are amazing. But, I completely understand someone watching them for the first time now would think they are corny and dated. The magic of those movies were really best back in the 70's and 80's.

That said, I am excited about the new movie and just hope it can recapture the Star Wars I loved.

clearskies 12-03-2015 03:26 AM

I like Star Wars, but I'm not a movie fan in general. So, yes, I will see the new one.....someday.

nietis 12-03-2015 05:46 AM

Not a fan at all here... so no watching for me.

Tronesia 12-03-2015 05:52 AM

I have not seen them but I want to see the originals. I have been going back and watching all of the movies people are still talking about over the years and this is on the list.

emmasmommy 12-03-2015 07:53 AM

HUGE fans here. All of us! :wub:

Darik has a 1/4 sleeve tattoo of Yoda.

We'll be going. Maybe not with the girls, but Darik and I will

Keely~B 12-03-2015 01:54 PM

Hell yes we're going!

JennNtheBoys 12-03-2015 05:43 PM

my kids are huge fans. I watched the 3 originals a few times (my older brothers were star wars fanatics so it was their fault!). I really dislike when a movie series comes out with "prequals" (sp error), I think it ruins the originals so I I never watched Episode I II or III.... but because the boys I have I do know some of the characters. We are not going to rush right out and see if, but if it happens to come to our local theatre (a very old school theatre) and if I happen to have any money left after the christmas budget I MAY surprise them with tickets to go see it. We'll see.

Sherri Tierney 12-03-2015 06:51 PM

Not a fan exactly, but its better than a poke in the eye. ;)

I saw Empire Strikes Back at the theater with friends when I was a little kid. I should have been at the hospital getting stitches in my head, but went to the movies instead. Long story, but definitely a funny memory. I had a headache through the movie and didn't pay much attention to it. I was also 6 and should not have been at a movie with another 6 year old and a 9 year old, by ourselves with me bleeding from the head! LOL

Hubby is a huge fan. Kids are so-so fans. We might go. We might wait for the DVD.

NeverendingJen 12-03-2015 10:10 PM

We LOVE Star Wars. W ewill be going to see the movie!

Neverland Scraps 12-05-2015 01:12 PM

Are you planning on going to see the new Star Wars movie?
-Yes, but not until my husband gets home from overseas. He wants to see it with the children and had asked me to wait to take them to see it. He also wants to watch the original movies with the 2-year old in hopes that he can get him to become a fan of Star Wars!

Are you (or your family) a huge fan?
Me, no. It's just another movie. Hollywood trying to make more money.
My husband, yes. He's reliving for the second time his childhood! He was able to relive with the prequels a few years ago and now he's reeliving it again with the release of the lastest movie!
My oldest, yes. She loves the originals and the prequels. However with the purchase/sale of Lucas Films to Disney, she's become very skeptical that Disney can do it justice. She's heading in to this film with a lot of caution and very little expectation.
My middle, she's like me. It's just another movie (whoop-dee-do)
The 2-year old, he knows who a few of the characters are, but it doesn't rank up there with his characters from Disney Jr! :D

I'd say for my husband, it has been the yearly asking if he can get an authentic Storm Trooper costume. Every year he asks for one, but lately he's been considering joining the 501st Legion since he had connections to them when we lived in DC. We have a friend who does something like this and both my husband and my daughter look up to her with her creativity of her costume and her charity towards others. She's an amazing woman and totally someone that I love my daughter looking up to as a person!

lovely1m 12-05-2015 08:39 PM

I am not a fan. However my 9 year old is a huge fan. He loves Star Wars. He made me watch all the movies, but I still don't care for them. A friend of mine rented an entire theater for the Saturday after it comes out and my boyfriend and my son are going to go. Nick is even dressing up as a Jedi. I, however, will be working and not that sad about missing it.

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