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DawnMarch 03-09-2010 01:12 PM

What are your Spring Break plans?
Just curious what everyone is doing for Spring Break this year? So:

When is your break (if you have one!)?
Are you traveling and if so, where?
If you are staying home, what will you be doing?

My kids are on break this week. We are going to Las Vegas, leaving tomorrow. We will stay at the Venetian, see the Blue Man Group, check out the amusement park at Circus Circus and some of the giant arcades, etc.

Darcy Baldwin 03-09-2010 01:19 PM

We're taking ours when my inlaws are here next month so that we can just not have to worry about doing school with the grands here.

jessica31876 03-09-2010 01:20 PM

My kids are on break at the end of March to the beginning of April. We dont really have any plans as far as I know though.

tuneskids 03-09-2010 01:20 PM

Mine are on break this week and next. Yup, two weeks. No real plans though, as hubby is out of town (he left Sunday and won't be home til Thursday) and I am stuck working every morning (oh, and we get to repeat that pattern next week too). We are gonna go see Kristin CB this afternoon, after her Lucas gets up from his nap. That's about it.

jaylensmom 03-09-2010 01:56 PM

My son is out of school April 5-9 and I'm thinking about taking him to Legoland but of course I haven't made any plans yet...

pewtertm 03-09-2010 01:59 PM

Since Rachel's not in school, spring break is whenever I feel like taking it! We're planning on going to Houston at the end of March/beginning of April to spend a week with mom...not really sure what we'll be doing other than going bluebonnet hunting.

MandaT 03-09-2010 02:16 PM

I have no kids in school, I'm not in school & Hubby works all week, so we don't really have a Spring Break... although I would probably consider next week as close as it's going to get for us.

We will spend the majority of the week (Tuesday-Friday morning) in the hospital with our new baby boy. Other than that, our breaks are limited to weekends only.

Stacey42 03-09-2010 02:53 PM

The boys school spring break is the week after Easter, though we've lost Thur & Fri of it due to all the snow last month. We had been talking about flying down to FL to see my folks but with only 3 days we are not going to. Thank goodness we hadn't bought tickets!

I think we may make a day trip to DS to visit the Air & Space museum and Havoc wants to see the Lincoln memorial & reflecting pool

kristine 03-09-2010 03:12 PM

We are going to my parents place in the mountains. It's part of a spa resort, so there will be lots of skiing, bubble baths and swimming:) Our break is just over a week at easter, but we are only going for 3 or 4 days, my dad says he wants some peace and quiet over the break..

Kjersti 03-09-2010 03:24 PM

Our spring break is March 14 -28th! Woo-Hoo!!

We're going to take the girls to Disneyland for about 3 days. The girls are so excited - they want to pack NOW! We also MIGHT take them to the Monterey Bay Aquarium since it's only an hour from our house. I get lazy on break though and don't want to do anything!!!

nanienamou 03-09-2010 04:03 PM

Ours was last week. DH took a vacation, too, so we chilled at home, doing little activities and renovating (we got a new couch and TV, so we wanted to paint, install a brick wall, etc...)

Nettio 03-09-2010 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kjersti (Post 622857)
Our spring break is March 14 -28th! Woo-Hoo!!

We're going to take the girls to Disneyland for about 3 days. The girls are so excited - they want to pack NOW! We also MIGHT take them to the Monterey Bay Aquarium since it's only an hour from our house. I get lazy on break though and don't want to do anything!!!

Are you in the Bay Area then? I'm from about 45 minutes from Monterey so you made me curious, haha.

No spring break here but my DH will get a month of vacation when he gets back from his deployment and we're heading to Hawaii then. :thumbup:

nun69 03-09-2010 04:33 PM

ours is the last week of March and no plans here....especially since we are buying a house! but we will spend Easter at my in laws in Oregon~

HeatherKS 03-09-2010 04:40 PM

My girls' spring break is next week but dh and I both have to work so no big spring break plans for us. Dh is a CPA so this is obviously their busiest time of year so the best we can do is take Friday off for a trip to the zoo. We usually have the kids' spring pictures taken that day too so I'm hoping that will happen. :)

LeeAndra 03-09-2010 04:52 PM

Jeff doesn't have Tyler for Easter or Spring Break this year, but I have made plans with my mom and my sister, who are both teachers, who have the week after Easter for Spring Break.

Monkey and I will drive up for 3-4 days that week and hang out. I'm hoping we make it to the outlet mall (there's a huge Carter's store there) one day and to the zoo another. We'll have my 5 1/2 yo nephew, too, so maybe we will hit the library and the park. I'm sure we'll have dinner with 'Auntie' Sarah, too, who loves to spoil Monkey by buying her outfits from Penney's with her employee discount. :)

I can't wait for all the pictures I'll have to scrap then! :thumbup:

EndsWell 03-09-2010 04:59 PM

We just went to Disney World last month, so we are staying put for spring break, which is april 2-11. I'm taking it off of work to stay with the kids, and thinking of low-cost, high-fun activities to do for the week. We are going to make mini albums and cards for Jennifer McGuire's Cards for Kids drive. We will go to the parkif it's nice, and down to the river with boots on. We'll play outside and do yard work. My son has an ortho evaluation one of the days. It should be nice and laid back.

Kat Stokes 03-09-2010 05:23 PM

Ours is the week after Easter too. No plans - as usual. I'll be working and DH is off M-Th unless he gets OT. We save our family vacations for a week long camping trip in July.

Sheana 03-09-2010 05:58 PM

My kids are on break Mar 28-Apr 2. Dh and the girls will go to his family's in Paducah, KY for the first part of the week and then they'll be home in time to celebrate Dd's 2 year anniversary of being diagnosed with diabetes (we usually make it a SUPER special day) and Easter.

1girl1boy 03-09-2010 06:02 PM

Emma's is next week and I have a 3-day conference in San Antonio for the first part of the week. Taking Wed-Fri off though to do some fun stuff with the kids just here in the area. Going to take a day and just take the girl shopping. She's long overdue for that kind of fun (and so am I!) :)

Shawna 03-09-2010 06:05 PM

Spring Break for my DH (he's a teacher) and our girls is next week the 15-19th but the girls are also out this Friday the 12th for an inservice day or something so we'll have a nice long 10 day break!! We don't have any big plans to go anywhere but I'm sure we'll go to the zoo since we have a membership and haven't been for a few months since it's been cold and we'll probably do some yard work and definitely be cleaning out the garage.

nesser1981 03-09-2010 07:40 PM

Ours was last week, we went to Florida, stopped in Georgia to visit family, then went to Disney.

lovely1m 03-09-2010 08:37 PM

My kiddo isn't in school, but I am going to Minneapolis next week! For 3 days.

Keely~B 03-09-2010 08:46 PM

Ours is next week. I need to buy a car, my FIL is visiting for a few days and I'm dog sitting. Other than a trip to the rodeo I've got nothing planned...we'll just see how it goes LOL

Sharon Kay 03-09-2010 11:58 PM

Well technically my kids were NOT going to have Spring Break since we had a robotics competition last Friday, and we'll be taking off a couple of days in April for another robotics competition (though technically public schools count those as school days) ... but I also like getting out for the summer earlier ... I homeschool my two boys but one takes a class at the public school ... however ...

...my mom just paid for me an airline ticket next week during spring break to go to Arizona and help her find a house to buy ... so guess we're going to be taking a bit of a spring break after all. lol ...the boys will be happy playing games and watching movies without school for a few days...

Milmomma 03-10-2010 12:10 AM

Well my kids aren't in school yet, and dh is active duty. Oh ya and we moved last Sept to new country, so we don't know any good places to really go. I'm hoping in a couple weeks to go back to Seoul. No spring break though.

maryinaz 03-10-2010 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by DawnMarch (Post 622814)
Just curious what everyone is doing for Spring Break this year? So:

When is your break (if you have one!)?
Are you traveling and if so, where?
If you are staying home, what will you be doing?

My kids are on break this week. We are going to Las Vegas, leaving tomorrow. We will stay at the Venetian, see the Blue Man Group, check out the amusement park at Circus Circus and some of the giant arcades, etc.

My boys are on break next week and we are going to Vegas too! We are staying at the Hilton Grand Vacations Club on the strip. We are going to do mostly free stuff and hang at the resort, but I want them to see the strip so we'll be doing that also.

sprauncey1 03-10-2010 09:46 AM

Mine is on Spring Break next week (seems so early this year, usually its the week after my b-day not during) and we are renting a house in Colorado for the week. Such a deal and we need to see some trees and mountains after living here in the high desert of North Texas. Don't know exactly what we are doing. But I figured this was my kind of camping! Oh and it has a hot tub! My sister and her 2.5 year old are coming as well as my mom (not my first choice, but she's going through a rough time right now, so we invited her). Hopefully everyone behaves themselves!! And hopefully we can all relax!

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