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JillW 11-12-2023 07:57 PM

This or That ... Decorating Style
It?s fun to learn about each other with little ?this or that? threads ?
After telling us with "this or that" you prefer, please pick one or two statements to elaborate on. Or better yet - feel free to share pictures with us!
  • Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
  • Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
  • Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
  • Modern OR Vintage
  • Colors OR Neutrals
  • New items OR Thrifted
  • Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore
  • Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No

bienejen 11-12-2023 08:07 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much

I mainly just decorate for Christmas. When the kids were younger, I used to put some kind of decoration up for all the holidays - flags outside, window clings, different themed beanie bears. Now I just put effort into Christmas. Nothing too elaborate but just enough to make it seem like Christmas throughout the house.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style?
Yes and no. I'd say a lot of my pages are decorated 'enough' but I'll sometimes put more 'stuff' on my pages than I would in my decor.

nesser1981 11-12-2023 09:59 PM

Change d?cor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be - Just Halloween & Christmas here.
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much - Yes, lots, I do the livingroom, bathrooms, kitchen, front yard.
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style - I like plenty I see online and get ideas from things, but have my own style.
Modern OR Vintage - Classic
Colors OR Neutrals - Colors
New items OR Thrifted - New, I'm not a good thrifter, I do buy a lot of clearance though
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore - I love it, I hate taking it down.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No - Maybe, I think it feels similar.

tanyiadeskins 11-12-2023 10:13 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
I tend to leave things be until Sept when I decorate for Halloween (yes, in Sept lol) then its Basically Christmas til New Years. I also used to decorate for the smaller holidays and seasons when the kids lived at home.

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
For the ones I do, its all or nothing baby, go big or go home : )

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
Definitnely whatever I want. I'm not much of a trend follower.

Modern OR Vintage
.... an eclectic mix? Although, tbh growing up I was pretty poor so I tend to prefer newer things and styles.

Colors OR Neutrals
I am more of a boho style with lots of colors and at the same time lots of matching neutrals. That doesn't really make sense does it? lol

New items OR Thrifted
For the same reason as above new.

Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore
Umm....LOVE. I love picking up weird little pieces here and there.

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No

Ummm... no. I am pretty maximalist when scrapping, I love me a busy, full page. At home too much stuff around or on shelves or on walls makes me feel claustrophobic, I prefer clean and less things.

nietis 11-12-2023 11:09 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
I only decorate for Christmas.

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
We live in a small apartment, so I only have a tree as Christmas decoration.

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
Modern OR Vintage
Colors OR Neutrals
New items OR Thrifted

Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore
I alternate between the two, but for the sake of festive feels and since it's only once a year, I do make effort for it.

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No

JillW 11-13-2023 09:17 AM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be ... I change for the seasons
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much ... Quite a bit of decor for the holidays.
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style ... I would say a mixture of both
Modern OR Vintage ... Both
Colors OR Neutrals ... Neutrals
New items OR Thrifted ... Both
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore ... Love to decorate, except for decorating a Christmas tree.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No ... Yes I think it does.

Kimberly27 11-13-2023 11:04 AM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be: I decorate a little for all but Christmas is over the top! I have a tiered tray that I change out. Fall I decorate the mantel and put out some pumpkins, gnomes...change out the towels in the kitchen and sometimes the soap in the bathroom. Easter...again just a few more springy things
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much Christmas I go all out. I tend to add a little each year. Last year was some paintings/art for the walls. I have a huge painting over the fireplace and that comes down during Christmas and is replaced with some fun Christmas art. I have a huge archway as you enter our living room and that has lighted garland. We have a 9ft skinny tree...want a second on but haven't done it. I change out the dishes in the kitchen for red ones that I found on clearance from hobby lobby. The gnomes take over in full force. A bucket of snowballs and so much more. I think there are 9 or 10 totes in the attic and a few in my closet.
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style Inspiration but I have my own way of doing things
Modern OR Vintage eclectic
Colors OR Neutrals Neutrals for base things but colors to accent
New items OR Thrifted a little of both. We have some handed down furniture and a few items from family members
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore Love it but not the cost or taking it down
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No
Not really...I like more clean lines and not a lot of clutter...scrapbooking I cluster and pile on the fun

LJSDesigns 11-13-2023 11:14 AM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be. I am a leave things be person, about to become a change things each holiday/season grammy. LOL Just Halloween thru Christmas I think, but I will do the outside for Fourth of July too. And maybe Easter.

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much Not so much, just tier tray right now, but I am hitting all the Halloween clearance sales to build up for next year.

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style I pin a ton of things that I like the look of and then change it to suit myself.

Modern OR Vintage I wouldn't say either. More modern farmhouse than anything I guess.

Colors OR Neutrals I always build off a neutral base for the big pieces and then add colors as the accent pieces so that I can change them out when I want something new without spending a ton of money.

New items OR Thrifted New, but I am always looking for a sale. LOL

Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore I love planning things, but doing the actual work can be a chore.

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No I am not really sure, but the answer is more likely yes than not.

Lidia G 11-13-2023 03:43 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be. I forget to decorate for the season. It's Nov 13 and it's snowing outside and a bell went off in my head that I should bring out my fall decorations!
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style - neither? I've had the same decorations for years.
Modern OR Vintage - my stuff is so old I would now categorize everything I have Vintage.
Colors OR Neutrals - I like neutrals
New items OR Thrifted - just old!
Love to decorate OR Does it seems like a chore
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No, not really. I like simple for decorating but find it hard to make a simple, uncluttered layout

aussiegirl 11-13-2023 04:27 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
Modern OR Vintage Neither- eclectic
Colors OR Neutrals
New items OR Thrifted - that we have owned for quite a while, with a few new items thrown in.
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No I do have a gallery photo wall in my Living Room that I LOVE, so that would be the only part that matches my scrapping style.

lovely1m 11-13-2023 04:45 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be - Leave things be. I love the look of holiday decor but taking the time to change & store it when not in use is not something I am willing to do
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much - Not so much
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style - My own style with some advice online
Modern OR Vintage - modern although some of my furniture is the repurposed & repainted stuff
Colors OR Neutrals neutrals with some pops of color, but some rooms like my laundry room are all color
New items OR Thrifted new
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore little of both
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No Never considered this before I don't think it matches

MamaBee 11-13-2023 07:00 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be
I'm a huge decorator - I watch a ton of youtube videos on decorators and spend way too much time and money... eek.

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
I go WAY overboard on decorating for the holidays... I love it

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
Both really - I pick what I like, I don't keep up with the trends.

Modern OR Vintage
I love antiques - my husband hates them... but I like a more farmhouse style

Colors OR Neutrals
I'm more neutrals with pops of color

New items OR Thrifted

Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No
Hmm... I guess yes - never really thought about it - I'm all about decorating in odd numbers, making "vignette" aka "clustering" around the house.

YepBrook 11-14-2023 06:09 PM

  • Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be (...and add a few new things to what's there)
  • Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much (I like to change up enough to make it special, but I don't love the clutter so I keep it minimal.
  • Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style
  • Modern OR Vintage BOTH :D
  • Colors OR Neutrals
  • New items OR Thrifted (Mostly NEW although I love the thrifted look, I'm just picky about the aesthetic of thrifted things... they have to be on-trend and be in really good condition)
  • Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore
  • Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No I mean... not really. I tend to load my pages with a ton of elements and I'm more simple with my decorating style.

3BluEyedBabi 11-14-2023 08:50 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be- I change decor & decorations for each season. Christmas is definitely my favorite time to decorate followed by Fall and Valentine's day.
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much LOTS of decorating!
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style Create my own style with what I have.
Modern OR Vintage Probably more vintage
Colors OR Neutrals colors! I try to change up the colors I decorate in our living room and the tree. This year I used blue, green, and gold.
New items OR Thrifted More thrifted and decor/ decorations that have been given to me by family. I have a lot of things from my late grandparents and things my parents have given me that I use. These decor/ decorations have a lot more sentimental value and they just make me happy!
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore I love to decorate.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes

tjscraps 11-14-2023 10:39 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be More and more I'm decorating each season. I'm turning into my mother lol

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much Not so much - just a bit!

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style I have never (ever) done anything trendy lol
I go with my own style

Modern OR Vintage Modern

Colors OR Neutrals Pops of colour

New items OR Thrifted Mixture of both

Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore Love the end result, don't love the process

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No Not at all. I'm pretty minimalist in real life. Scrapbooking not so much

Stefanie 11-15-2023 12:47 AM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be. Nope, a few extra Christmas goodies in December, but that's it.
Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style. I do follow some influencers, but it's more about simplifying and decluttering.
Modern OR Vintage
Colors OR Neutrals
New items OR Thrifted. Both
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore. Bit of both. Decorating is fun. Packing it all away again is less fun.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No I do like the focus on the photo and stories so from that perspective I'd say yes. I decorate with photos and words too.

craftytam 11-20-2023 11:36 AM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much

Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style

Modern OR Vintage

Colors OR Neutrals

New items OR Thrifted Both

Love to decorate
OR Does it seem like a chore

Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style ? Yes or No I'm definitely a maximalist (as a sweet friend calls me. lol!)


lizziej 11-20-2023 04:01 PM

Change decor/decorations for each holiday and/or season OR Leave things be - lately, I pretty much leave things be, except for a bit of decorating.
I don't mind the decorating part; it's the putting things away that shys me away from heavily decorating.

Lots of decorating for the holidays OR Not so much - Not so much. I decorate a bit for Easter and Christmas. I used to decorate for Halloween/Fall.
Follow decorating tips and tricks on Instagram/Facebook OR Create your own style - Neither. I have no style, and I normally don't use tips.
Modern OR Vintage - Neither - I like traditional.
Colors OR Neutrals - Neutrals, for the most part.
New items OR Thrifted - New
Love to decorate OR Does it seem like a chore - It doesn't seem like a chore; it IS a chore.
Does your scrapbooking style match your decorating style? Yes or No I am a simple scrapper, so I would have to say that my scrapbooking style would match my decorating style, if I had one. Bottom line is that I have never possessed any decorating skills. lol

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