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LeeAndra 05-01-2016 10:12 PM

iNSD 2016: Getting to Know You
Happy [inter]National Scrapbooking Day! I hope everyone is having fun scrapping & shopping!

We're going to get to know each other a little better with a fun round of 20 Questions. Post your answers to this thread & for every 25 posts, a winner will be picked for a $10 gift certificate to the Sweet Shoppe! :wub:

You have until 11:59 pm Eastern on Monday, May 9th to post your answers.

Thanks for playing! :hugs:

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
(06) What's your best quality?
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

LeeAndra 05-01-2016 10:44 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?

I've been digitally scrapping for more than a third of my life: since February 2003.

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?

I was around when it first opened. That's all I really remember! :D

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?

Hmm... a cold Diet Coke & something dumb on the TV to half-watch followed by plenty o' sleep.

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?

I just started season 3 of 'Chuck' on Netflix. I'm switching between that and the second season of 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.'

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?

I have so many! Ha! Lately, it's been people's driving habits: not using turn signals, driving under the speed limit, pulling out in traffic and forcing everyone to stop so they can merge, etc. etc. etc. Can you tell that my daughter's school is 20 minutes away & I have to drive her back and forth every day?! :p

(06) What's your best quality?

When I love, I love hard and wide and deep. This applies to places and things and ideas as well as people.

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?

The last vacation we went on was our babymoon to Nashville, TN in May 2009!

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?

I love nighttime when things are quiet & little people are sleeping. :p

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?

Hmmm... there was the one when I met a guy at Barnes 'n' Noble, and my car died in the parking lot as I was pulling in. We made super awkward chitchat in the cafe for a few minutes before he said he was hungry and wanted to go to Taco Bell. I had to ride with him in his 80s jalopy over to TB where he 'treated' me to a couple of soft tacos. He ate, like, 8 and talked abt himself in between mouthfuls. There was obviously no spark between us so he dropped me back off at the store & then I had to spend another hour waiting on a friend to come over and jump my car so I could make it back to my parents' house without them knowing I had gone out to meet a stranger.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?

I make a great cheeseburger pie & a great baked spaghetti (both casseroles).

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?

No. Three words: The. Butterfly. Effect. :p

[If you have not seen that movie, you should.]

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?

Of course, I would be Anne Shirley Blythe. As if there was any doubt.

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?

Laundry! The whole process is so terrible: hauling things down the stairs, having to separate into like colors, the godawful folding or hanging up but before the load gets too wrinkled, & then hauling everything back up the stairs. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?

There is always hope, and love always wins.

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?

My bestie/cousin is getting married this fall, and I can't wait to see her again (she lives 1100 miles away) & get to share in her special day!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?

I would choose to be obnoxiously smart so I could invent something to make me obnoxiously rich. :p

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?

I don't have one favorite memory. My favorite times with them are times when we're just together being ourselves.

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?

Glennon Doyle Melton is my everything. :wub:

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?

One time I went as a purple M'n'M which simply involved a plain purple sweatshirt with a taped paper 'M' on it and half of my face painted purple. :D

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Walmart has a two-for-one: cookies 'n' creme and peanut butter cup. Man, it is good.

Robin Carlton 05-06-2016 05:54 PM

Bumping so you can play along!

nowens 05-06-2016 06:39 PM

(01) I have been digitally scrapping for almost 8 years.

(02) I think I found it early on in my scrapping, just through Google maybe? I really don't know, lol.

(03) Reading, watching movies, and/or drinking wine.

(04) The last half of the last season of Mad Men.

(05) People who use the wrong utensils in buffet lines. When you use the tongs from the rolls to get your veggies, you've just glutened up those veggies and made some unsuspecting person sick. And I will give you the stink eye.

(06) I'm really good with words.

(07) Vegas, baby!

(08) Laaaaate night. I'm a natural night owl, and that's when my brain really gets going. Plus, it's usually much quieter.

(09) It was a double date; my best friend and I went out with these two guys we met while cruising (yeah, this was small-town high school life, lol). They took us to one guy's sister's house for dinner. And then the guy's girlfriend called his sister's house and told the sister she was coming over, so the guys were like, "uh, we gotta take you home" and basically FLEW down the highway to take us home and rush back.

(10) Whatever my husband feels like making, lol. I don't cook.

(11) Nope. Everything that's happened has led me to where I am now, and I like that place a lot. :)

(12) Oh goodness -- so many answers for this! Sandra Bullock's character in Hope Floats, so I could make out with Harry Connick, Jr. Lilly Aldrin on How I Met Your Mother, because she's basically a no-filter version of me. Nancy Drew because NANCY DREW.

(13) All of them. I'm a crap homemaker.

(14) Cream cheese makes 99.9% of everything better.

(15) My sister's wedding in June. :)

(16) Obnoxiously smart.

(17) When my older daughter met my younger daughter for the first time.

(18) My husband, because he puts up with my crap and makes me laugh and supports me. My girls, because they teach me something new every day, even if it's just the words to a song like "It's Raining Tacos." My grandma, because she was one tough-as-nails lady who didn't take anyone's crap and never lost her spunk.

(19) Identity crisis -- just a bunch of "Hello, my name is ______" tags with different names written on them, stuck all over me.

(20) Any kind of coffee/espresso/mocha flavor.

aussiegirl 05-06-2016 06:46 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? since 2006
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? RAK at DST long time ago.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? read a good book and drink some hot cocoa
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Terra Nova
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? picking up after others
(06) What's your best quality? good listener
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Yellowstone National Park
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? bedtime! I LOVE sleeping
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? in college, played a card game I didn't know, with a guy I didn't like (a friend's guy would only go out with her if his friend had a date).
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? pasta salad or fruit salad- both super easy and yummy!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? No, God had my life planned from the beginning, everything I've gone through has been to make me stronger or make me who I am today.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Little House on the Prairie, Probably Laura. I just love that show!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? it's a toss up between dishes and laundry
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Christ died for my sins
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? going on vacation with 2 of our friend's and their families!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? rich- I'd love to give to those less fortunate than me!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Christmas Junior year of college, my siblings and their families all came over to my parents house. It was the first Christmas we had all been together since my oldest 2 siblings had left home when I was little.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? my husband- he works hard to provide for our family
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Princess Leia
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Moose Tracks or Mint Chocolate Chip

clucaswvu04 05-06-2016 06:55 PM

01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? I think it has been since 2008 or maybe early 2009 I am not entirely sure... late 2008 or early 2009 lol
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I discovered it the first time probably around 2010 just searching for supplies, I don't think I joined the forum at all. Then this winter jumped in and joined the forum :)
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? coloring, watching mindless tv, playing games with the family
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? husband I binge watched Parks & Rec (well binge watched as in 2 episodes at a time...we are lame and don't really watch tv for long stretches ever but we started and finished the series)
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? when people chew with their mouth open
(06) What's your best quality? I'm a little too organized - it drives me crazy, because it can really be a downfall, but it probably is one of the best qualities for lots of reasons and most people love it about me
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? We took a 2 day trip to DC last month (tagged along for my husband's work trip) but last non work trip was to see my grandma in NC for a day
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Either 10 am - noon because I may actually be home without anyone here and can catch up on all the things that haven't gotten done and need done, or dinner time when we are all sitting down together and going through our day
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Worst date was probably a movie - I hated the movie and my date knew I would hate it, we went with a group of friends - and the guys all talked loudly through the whole thing (this was high school)
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Cookie salad if we need something sweet - it used to be garlic rice or homemade BBQ chicken...but new allergies have made all of those dishes not something I can eat, so now I'm not sure
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I always ponder this question, I think there are things that I would wish didn't happen, but I don't know that I would change them - because I fear that would set in motion so many other changes, and there would be no way to know how those changes would affect my life now and I am content and happy with life. There are struggles, there are hard things - but we are content and filled with joy.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I think I would be Bones - she is brilliant, and out spoken and gets to do some cool stuff
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? laundry and dishes
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? God loves me and us
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? taking our trip this summer to MN to see family
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? obnoxiously smart
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Christmas time is my favorite memory, there's not a specific memory from one Christmas, I have lots of memories from Christmas but just a general feeling that thinking about Christmas brings. From the Christmas my dad was deployed when I was a kid during the first Gulf War and we flew to my grandma's to surprise family, to getting my first bike, to the first Christmas as a mom, to just having waffles on Christmas morning, reading the Christmas story from Luke...they all coming flooding back.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My sister is one of my heroes, she has gone through so much in her life from medical issues, to hard things in her relationship, but has kept a positive attitude about life, continued to fight for herself and be an advocate, she's upbeat, she loves her family, she works passionately at her job, she works hard at it and cares deeply for the kids she works with.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I was a red crayon one year
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Therapy

fruitysuet 05-06-2016 07:07 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since 2010
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
Paper scrapping fan of Zoe Pearn's designs for My Minds Eye
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Playing games or reading on my tablet
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
ignorant people
(06) What's your best quality?
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
evening - my own time to read, browse the net, scrap, etc
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
I can't think of a bad first date. I had a non-date with a boyfriend who was supposed to be visiting for the weekend, he rang up when he was due to be with me and told me he was on a stag weekend instead. End of that!
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Chicken and Lemon Risotto
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
Be more vigilant over our finances and not trust DH with them.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Nanny McPhee - I would love to get my kids to get to do the chores without nagging!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Do you mean as opposed to favourite (none!). Erm, sweeping and mopping floors.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
My date of birth
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Choosing somewhere new to visit in the UK with my girls.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Obnoxiously rich - I'm lazy!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
I have fond memories of staying with an aunt, uncle and cousin for holidays when I was very small. When my world was simple and I had no worries. Life seems to have been a constant struggle with one thing and other since I was about 8.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
I can't point to a particular person. There are many stories of bravery and people fighting injustices, children who are carers, people who overcome the odds to achieve. So many people who aren't famous but lead inspiring lives irrespective of that.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Never celebrated Halloween. Dressed up once as a teen as Bill (or Ben) with a friend as Bill and Ben the Flowerpot men on a carnival float.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Carte D´Or Gelateria Crema di Mascarpone

KingsQueen82 05-06-2016 08:03 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Exactly 3 years ago. I stumbled upon digi-scrapping and it happened to be iNSD weekend. Lucky Me! :)

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I believe it was searching of freebies? Lol... Megan Turnidge had lots of free templates on her blog back then. ps. I miss Megan! :crying:

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? A scalding hot bath!

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Switched at Birth. Can't wait for the new season!

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Gross mouth noises

(06) What's your best quality? I'm always willing to help people. Almost to a fault.

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Disney World!

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? The middle of the night. Because it's quiet and when I do my best work.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I once when on a "date" with some co-workers. Or it was supposed to be. I thought I was getting together with a bunch of co-workers but really it was just one guy (who was interested in me and I wasn't in him) who trapped me at the restaurant after I realized too late that no one else was coming.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Homemade chicken pot pie. Yummy comfort food.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I don't think I'd change anything. Seriously. I'm too paranoid of The Butterfly Effect!

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Miss Anne Shirley. She's charismatic, funny, intelligent and kind hearted. I would love to live with her enthusiasm for just one day.

(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Laundry. It's never ending.

(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Can I get preachy for a moment? I know that I have a kind and loving heavenly Father who knows me unqiuely. I know that he hears and answers prayers. More than once he's answered mine and sometimes it wasn't what I hoped for, but he knows me better than myself and for that I'm grateful.

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Since we recently moved to New Mexico, I'm just excited to go, see, do more of the local area!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? I think obnoxiously smart because if I were crazy smart I could have any job I wanted, or invent some crazy thing that would make me rich anyways. The best of both worlds!

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? I really don't think I could answer with just one favorite. I love that we've had so many opportunities to make so many memories and with each new duty station we are given yet one more. We're doing our best to see and experience the world together!

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Would it be corny to say my husband? He's an active duty soldier with 2 tours of duty to Afghanistan. He's been in the thick of it and still he worried more about me and our girls than himself.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Since I rarely ever dressed up, even as a child, the hubs and I dressed up for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney this past year. I was a scarlet macaw and he was my pirate. It was cute and fun. :)

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I actually don't care for ice cream much. *gasp* But the Schwan's man used to have something that I really liked. I forget what it's called but it was a butter pecan ice cream with caramel, and chocolate covered pretzels. I loved the sweet and salty combo.

pewtertm 05-06-2016 08:17 PM

1) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since Feb of 2007. I started with a lame program that I thought was great LOL. Then I discovered the online community, Photoshop, and things snowballed from there :)

2) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I was looking for a kit that had a red trike in it, and someone on DST (I think) recommended one of Julie's kits.

3) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?

4) What's the last show you binge-watched?
I have never binge watched, but I did watch part of a Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet marathon.

5) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Haha lots of them! How about people who are ALWAYS late, even when they are the ones who plan a meet time?

6) What's your best quality?
Um...that's a hard question to ask an indecisive self-doubter. How about common sense? It's not that common anymore. :D

7) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Durango, Colorado

8) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
845 am, when Rachel goes to school; hubby and I get some time to ourselves to hit the gym, run errands, have real grown-up conversation.
415 pm, when Rachel gets home from school, tells me about her day, and we get Mom/Daughter time before hubby wakes up.

9) What was your worst (first) date like?
Worst date...someone who wanted me to do something obscene.

10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
The only time we have people over is when Rachel has friends sleep over. And I usually make homemade buttermilk waffles for them in the morning.

11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would have never gone on the date that was mentioned in #9.

12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Tough one. I love books...but LOL not sure I'd want to be a character in the novels I read.
I love movies, but can't picture a character I'd want to be.
And TV...most of what I watch is HGTV, Food Network, Animal Planet, and Discovery ID. I guess I wouldn't mind being Joanna Gaines for a day, so that I could use her creative decorating sense to spruce up my home. And also so that I could boss Chip around and get a few laughs at his expense :D
edited to say: after reading LeeAndra's response...how could I have forgotten Miss Anne Shirley?! Love L.M. Montgomery's works!)

13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Probably laundry or dishes. Because both seem to be never-ending.

14) What's one thing you know to be true?
God is real.

15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
I am looking forward to getting our puppy fully potty-trained, and also possibly adopting a second dog.

16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
I'll keep the brain that I have now; just hand me the money! I could help a lot of family, friends, and favorite causes with it.

17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
It would probably be the first time that my mom met my daughter. Being an only child who swore she didn't want to get married and have kids, mom thought she'd never be a Grandma. Watching her grab hold of Rachel and snuggle her was the best.

18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
The men and women who hid Jewish children from the Nazis during the Holocaust, because they were doing the right thing in spite of the danger to themselves.

19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
I only remember being a witch in 5th grade and a huntress last year. Neither were any big deal in my memory.

20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

GraceLee 05-06-2016 08:22 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 4 and a half years.
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I can't remember! I was shopping around I guess.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Reading a book in bed.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? KPopStar Season 5. It's like The American Idol but in Korea.
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? People talking about things they know nothing about has been bothering me a lot lately.
(06) What's your best quality? I'm really hardworking and I try my best in all situations.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? We went to Disneyland in February.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Late at night when everyone's sleeping and I get some quiet me time!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I can't remember anything in particular.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Barbeque baby back ribs.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? Yes, I would stop myself from going out with certain guys in my life! I didn't know that but what a waste of time! LOL.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I wouldn't mind being a witch in the Harry Potter world. Not a major character as I don't want anything to do with wars and such, but I think I'd be pretty good at doing magic. :)
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Mopping the floor.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? That my parents love me unconditionally.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? We're going to Seattle later this month. I haven't been since I was a little kid! I'm excited to see some of the tourist-y place like the Space Needle.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? I'm already obnoxiously smart... so... riches please! XD
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Going to Disney this past February was pretty awesome. My kids are at the age where the magic is just starting to become real and it's cool to see them soak it in.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? I think Malala Yousafzai is awesome. I admire her courage and what she stands for.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?I was a witch and I remember loving the huge cauldron my mom got for me to put candies in!
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben's and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Mmmm.

hosanhelwa 05-06-2016 08:49 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 10-ish years or so
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Pretty sure I started coming around for the freebies, then stayed for the company!
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? I'm a huge book nerd... A good book and maybe a glass of wine is heaven (Although, since becoming a mom, first the wine, then the books, have fallen to the wayside!)
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? House of Cards
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? "But Dr. Google says it's that so it MUST be true!"
(06) What's your best quality? Patience
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Bermuda
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? When the kiddos are in bed... Enough said! ;) (Love them to bits and pieces, but the 3 year old in particular has been trying even MY patience lately (see above for my best quality, so it says something!)
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? The guy asked if he could bite my neck à la vampire... There was no next date.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Red velvet cake... I really shouldn't be let loose in the kitchen to cook, but I can bake like nobody's business!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't. Some parts really sucked, but I wouldn't be who I am and where I am today if it wasn't for those icky bits.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I have to pick just ONE?!? (See above - huge book nerd!) Umm... I've been reeading the Outlander series, so I'd have to say Claire Fraser, but it tends to be the character in whatever book I'm reading at the moment.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Bathroom duty
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? It will all be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end. (I know I'm quoting John Lennon, but the saying hasn't been proven wrong yet, although "all right" is not always what you envisioned at the start!)
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? A Disney Cruise with the entire (extended) family (And yes, I'm likely slightly masochistic in planning that!)
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Smart... Cause then I'd likely be smart enough to hide at least some of my obnoxiousness... It tends not to work like that with riches...
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? The awe-struck look in our daughter's face when she met her baby brother for the first time. The sheer joy in her eyes was amazing, as was the tenderness when she asked to hold the baby.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My father. For all that he's overcome and the unwavering support he's always given me
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? She-Ra Princess of Power
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavour? Bordeau Cherry (and now I'm hungry!)

mommyofphoenix07 05-06-2016 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by hosanhelwa (Post 1062820848)
(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 10-ish years or so
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Pretty sure I started coming around for the freebies, then stayed for the company!
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? I'm a huge book nerd... A good book and maybe a glass of wine is heaven (Although, since becoming a mom, first the wine, then the books, have fallen to the wayside!)
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? House of Cards
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? "But Dr. Google says it's that so it MUST be true!"
(06) What's your best quality? Patience
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Bermuda
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? When the kiddos are in bed... Enough said! ;) (Love them to bits and pieces, but the 3 year old in particular has been trying even MY patience lately (see above for my best quality, so it says something!)
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? The guy asked if he could bite my neck à la vampire... There was no next date.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Red velvet cake... I really shouldn't be let loose in the kitchen to cook, but I can bake like nobody's business!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't. Some parts really sucked, but I wouldn't be who I am and where I am today if it wasn't for those icky bits.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I have to pick just ONE?!? (See above - huge book nerd!) Umm... I've been reeading the Outlander series, so I'd have to say Claire Fraser, but it tends to be the character in whatever book I'm reading at the moment.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Bathroom duty
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? It will all be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end. (I know I'm quoting John Lennon, but the saying hasn't been proven wrong yet, although "all right" is not always what you envisioned at the start!)
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? A Disney Cruise with the entire (extended) family (And yes, I'm likely slightly masochistic in planning that!)
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Smart... Cause then I'd likely be smart enough to hide at least some of my obnoxiousness... It tends not to work like that with riches...
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? The awe-struck look in our daughter's face when she met her baby brother for the first time. The sheer joy in her eyes was amazing, as was the tenderness when she asked to hold the baby.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My father. For all that he's overcome and the unwavering support he's always given me
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? She-Ra Princess of Power
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavour? Bordeau Cherry (and now I'm hungry!)

WOW! I came over here to look to see what kinds of responses people were giving for that because that was the answer I was thinking to give and lo and behold! I guess I need to think of a different truth to use for my answer...well, for my answers on here at least. :D

ETA: "Over here" because I have mine pasted into Word to fill out because the writing box felt too small. Lol.

mrsashbaugh 05-06-2016 09:15 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
About 3 1/2 years

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I discovered SSD through Zoe Pearn. Clicked on her product which brought me over to SSD.

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Lay on the couch and watch a show.

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
Switched at Birth

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Cars not using their turn signal!

(06) What's your best quality?
Trying to see the best in people.

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?

Family vacation was to Disneyland in Nov. 2013...we are in need of another one!

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
When everyone else is in bed at night. I like my me time and to have some quiet time.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
lol....my first date was my worst when I was a young teenager...this boy kissed me and his mouth tasted like chips...it was so gross!

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
I usually make Chicken Spaghetti.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would like to say I wouldn't change anything because it has made me who I am today (that is usually what people say right?). But there are some things I did in my past that I wish I could undo.

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Hmmm...tough one...I would say Sarah Walker from the TV show Chuck. She is one tough girl and gorgeous! Plus she got to hang around some pretty funny people!

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Cleaning toilets...especially since I have a boy!

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
How much I love my kids!

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
I'm hoping we'll be going to the beach this summer.

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Obnoxiously smart...sure it would be nice to be rich, but would love to know everything.

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
When we took our kids to Disneyland for the first time. My little girl was a baby but my son was 3 and he loved the Disney characters so seeing his expressions when seeing them was priceless!

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My mom! She is amazing! She has a big heart and is always thinking of others.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Hmmm...when I was younger I dressed up as a teenager and I thought it was awesome to wear make-up.

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
There is this frozen yogurt place near us that is amazing and they have a hazelnut flavor one that I just love!

lovely1m 05-06-2016 09:23 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 10 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? So long ago I cannot remember, shortly after I started scrapping
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? reading
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? whistling
(06) What's your best quality? forgiveness
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? San Deigo
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Right before bed. It's relaxing
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? This guy was a giant jerk the whole time. I warned him that I distract easily, but I am still listening. He actually took away a knife I was fidgeting with and then moved his face into my line of sight when I looked at what the server was doing near us. Then to top it all off, he accused me of lying about being a vegetarian.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? I don't have one, I usually browse Pinterest for something that stands out to me
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I would have left my marriage sooner and started over sooner
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Mystique. She's a badass mutant.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? washing dishes by hand
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? love
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? summer by the pool
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? rich
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? The day my son was born, it was such an amazing day
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? my mom she is the best example of a mom
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? My favorite as a kid was a punk rocker
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey

clearskies 05-06-2016 09:30 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 8 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? former sugarbabe Kresta
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? wine/laughter
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? I don't watch shows
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? people who are hot and cold and you never know which one you're going to get
(06) What's your best quality? loyalty, sense of humor
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Austin, TX
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? late night, I have the house to myself
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? awkward
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? ginger lime flank steak...lately we always seem to be at our place
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I would go back and not date one particular guy
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? don't know
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? washing dishes
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Jesus
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? moving back to Washington, touring the National Parks for a month
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? rich...obnoxiously smart people seem to often lack social skills
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? pick one??? ha!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? don't know
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Tie. I was a grape skittle in 6th grade and a dragon in college.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Bubble gum.

snowdrop 05-06-2016 09:31 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
9 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I don't even remember! But I think it was early on after the site started
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Watching tv
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
White Collar
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
I have too many to list lol
(06) What's your best quality?
I think I'm a good listener
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Disney World
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Late! I'm a night owl, never had an easy time falling asleep
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Just a movie date
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
The only thing I know how to use in the kitchen is the fridge and microwave lol
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
No, everything happens for a reason
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Hermoine. She's smarting, caring, and brave
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
That I don't know how to answer questions like this lol
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Going on my first cruise!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Going to the phils World Series parade, I'm so happy my dad lived to see that
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My mom, she is the best and does everything for others
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Snow White
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies & cream

Txcorey 05-06-2016 09:47 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since about 2010
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I don't remember how I discovered it, but I remember thinking that I had found my happy place when I did.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Reading a book or watching a favorite show.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
House of Cards
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
People that post rude things about political candidates on facebook. No matter what your views, you are offending someone, and it's in poor taste.
(06) What's your best quality?
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Disney World
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Morning, I suppose. I love mornings where I don't have to rush to go somewhere, but those don't happen that often.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Awkward. I had dated a guy in college that was very polite and gentlemanly. We broke up and I went on a date with a really cute guy that I didn't know well. He was rude to our waitress at dinner, and wanted me to sit in the middle seat of his truck next to him, so he could grope me, I guess, and also made a comment that he didn't know what to think of me when I got in his truck at the beginning of the date and buckled up and sat on the passenger side. Uh, I don't know you that well yet, so what did you expect me to do-climb in your lap and start groping you??? Needless to say, I never went out with him again.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Swiss cheese chicken.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would. I don't know if it would be one event, but it would be the way I handled a relationship I was in during college.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Olivia Pope because well, FITZ!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
I am loved.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Going to Pensacola beach this summer.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Probably the first time we took Caleb to Disney World. He was 3 and his reactions to the characters were priceless. He loved Little Einsteins and when he met them, he was over the moon!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My grandmother. She grew up during the depression and lived a hard life. She never complained and was a phenomenal role model.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
My favorite costume was when I was a popcorn vendor and Caleb was a bucket of popcorn. He was about 7 at the time. We got to go to Disney World that Halloween because my husband had a convention in Orlando. We went to the Disney Halloween party and everyone loved our costumes and Caleb loved all the attention.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookie Dough

mamaestes 05-06-2016 10:06 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 8 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SD? 2013 - followed a favorite designer when they came here...and I never left!
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? A glass of wine, an historical romance novel, and a bubble bath.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? - Downton Abbey
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Passive aggressive people. If you have a problem with me, tell ME...don't whine, talk trash to others, or drop hints. Be a grown up and address your issues with me directly. Also, people who tie up the Starbucks line because they don't know how to order. Oh...and June bugs. HATE those things!
(06) What's your best quality? - I am fiercely loyal.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? San Antonio
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? 11pm-3am, it's quiet and I can get a lot of work done.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? A guy asked me to our high school dance, then spent the whole time making out with a friend of mine. LOL...not the best date I've ever had.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Baked Rigatoni with 4 cheese sauce, garlic bread, Caesar salad
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I would have learned more about Autism when my son was first diagnosed so that I could've been a better advocate for his care/therapy and perhaps improved his chances for learning coping skills at an earlier age.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? - Oh wow...Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice...I love the time period, a good love story, and feisty, intelligent female leads.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? All of them. I'm not good at most things domestic, but sorting socks...yeah, that hasn't happened in my house in years. I throw them all in a bin...you want matching socks, match 'em yourself.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? With enough Starbucks and the right source code...I could rule the world. But seriously folks....we all need to learn from Disney...have courage and be kind.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Looking forward to seeing my mom this weekend for Mother's Day. I don't get to do that enough. And looking forward to lots of time spent with my husband and kids...love my family.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Obnoxiously smart...because then I'd earn my own money and be both.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Family photos last Christmas. I had all of my 6 kids home and my grandbaby too. Just all of us being together, laughing, and getting photos to remember it all. Just made me happy to have everyone together.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My mother. She's smart, kind, strong, generous, and everything I want to be...if I ever decide to grow up.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? One year I dressed as Queen Elizabeth I - full blown costume and all - it was awesome!
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Peanut Butter...nom nom!

nicolej_00 05-06-2016 10:35 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? started a few years ago but really the last year has been the "real" start
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I don't really remember but I'm glad I did
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? wine :)
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? I don't have time to binge watch but Games of Throne is a favorite
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? being late
(06) What's your best quality? being a mom
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? FL Keys
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? night, quite time
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? awkward
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? pizza casserole
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I don't know that I would change anything but more time with my grandmother would have be nice
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? hmmm Kate from Castle she's a great female character
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? dishes
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? my daughter is the best thing to ever happen to me
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Beach trip
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? being smart can make you rich best of both
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Christmas traditions time spent with family
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Our veterans and first responders b/c they are awesome
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? roller skate waitress
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate

chastml 05-06-2016 10:51 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 11 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Feb 2007; I bought a set of ribbon shadows from a designer I don't even remember.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Reading
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Young Justice
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Open cabinets
(06) What's your best quality? Sense of humor
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Dallas, TX
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? 10am - I am all alone. And, if it's a good day, just waking up.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Typical school dance
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Sugar cookies
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't change anything; that butterfly effect might take out someone I love.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Elizabeth Bennet, because Mr. Darcy
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Dusting
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Friendship is magic.
(15) What are you looking forward to seeing this year? Bachman-Wilson House
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Obnoxiously smart
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? My favorite memories are the day-to-day little ones that are made again and again.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Brené Brown, she rocks!
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Circus Ringmaster
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky Road

icindi 05-06-2016 11:16 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
4.5 years!
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I was looking for a new scrappy home after another store closed in Dec 2015
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Being late
(06) What's your best quality?
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Florida Keys
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Late night- after the kids go to bed I have ME time!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
A blind date - awful!
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Golden graham treats
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
My Mom would still be alive, my son would not be sick. :(
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Cleaning bathrooms
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
God is good!
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Sleeping in this summer!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
I'm pretty content with both, but I'll take the rich!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Jamaica vacation - favorite family vacation!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
I'll go with Jesus. Can't think of a more selfless, loving and perfect person.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Raggedy Ann
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

JMC1988 05-06-2016 11:49 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? I have been digi scrapping since March of 2010, so for a little over 6 years now. Wow, it sure doesn't seem that long!
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I found SSD in Nov. of 2010 after seeing Trish post about it in a fellow site we were both a part of making forum signatures.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? By far, reading a great, torrid romance novel on my Kindle Tablet
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? That would be One Tree Hill for the umpteenth time! Diehard OTH fan here! I have every season on DVD
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? That would have to be, fellow co-workers misspelling medical terms/drug names, etc. I mean come on - you work in a freaking doctors off and have been to school in the medical field and you freaking have Google, if you are not sure - LOOK IT UP!
(06) What's your best quality? I would say it would be my sweet, somewhat shy personality, I am very easy to get along with, just takes a little while for me to warm up to new people
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Well, considering I leave next Saturday the 14th for Panama City Beach that will be my next vacation and my last will have been our Caribbean Cruise this past May 2015.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? My favorite time of day would be surprisingly, the night owl hours. I am by far a nighttime person and hate, hate mornings and do not function before lunch. I have always, always been this way so I cannot adapt to anything earlier.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I met this guy that I had been talking to online at a local pizza shop and we had a great time, or so I thought and then the next day he completely stopped interacting with me and blocked me on every social media site we had in common for no reason at all. Very weird and I am glad that didn't go anywhere.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? My mothers Chicken Casserole. It is demanded at every family function we have. No one else can make it, or so they say.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't change anything because my life, circumstances are exactly how God intended them and it's his plan and not mine, so it wouldn't do any good anyways. I am where I am because of him.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I would be a Regency area lady as all the novels I have read, particularly Jane Austen, it just seems all so perfect and dream like but nothing is never that simple or glamorous.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? All of them!! But mainly mopping! I hate it with a passion! :p
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Gods Not Dead and I know where I am going to spend eternity with my heavenly father.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Our 2 BEACH vacations this year!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Obnoxiously rich, cause I cannot stand obnoxiously smart people, I have not tolerance for them .
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? That would have to be the last trip to the Great Smoky Mountains I took with my mom, grandma and her sister (my great aunt) whom is now deceased and was like a 2nd grandmother to me! She was the best and funniest person I have ever know! She is missed!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Eliza Bennett because she was headstrong and didn't conform to what was expected of her at that time! She did what she wanted and no one was going to change her mind
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? A Disney Snow White Costume.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip

joelsgirl 05-07-2016 12:38 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? November 2004
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? When they first opened
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? the pool
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? the office
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? when people put empty ice trays/water bottles back in the fridge/freezer
(06) What's your best quality? I'm really laid back
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Dahican Beach, Philippines
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?5 am because the day is fresh and full of hope & the house is so quiet
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? this guy took me to shoot snakes. fortunately we didn't see any, but i knew right away he was not for me.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? I have my husband grill.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I dated this guy off and on all through high school who was manipulative and possessive. I wish I hadn't answered the phone the night he called.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? I wish I could be Pam in The Office because she was so loved.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? ironing. I don't do it.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? There's always someone better off than I am and always someone worse off, so the best way to live is to be content with what I have.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?We're going camping with friends on a near-by island in July, and I'm so excited about three days in a tent on a beach!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? rich
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? When I was a teenager, we used to vacation with my parents' best friends, and I have the best memories from the way my dad & his bff of 50+ years tried to cheat at games & were always turning everything into a competition.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? There's this Australian lady in Malaysia who has been monumental in spreading literacy to the remote places, traveling days to get to villages in the jungle to set up school. Her name is Ibu Suria, and when she was 70, she started teaching stateless children, opening up her house to 100 children twice a week so they could learn to read and write.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I haven't dressed up for Halloween since middle school, so I really have no idea.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?[/QUOTE] Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins

Saar 05-07-2016 12:47 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since January 2010

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I discovered Cindy's Templates. I think it was around 2011.

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
The X-files.

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
I have no idea! Lol.

(06) What's your best quality?
I'm very flexible at work.

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Disneyland Paris in October 2015.

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
I'm really a morning person. I'm at my best in the mornings.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
We didn't like eachother at all, so we both went home early.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Chichen fajita's.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would choose something else to study and get a degree in IT.

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Than I think I'd like to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland and go on adventures with the Mad Hatter!

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Mopping the floor.

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
My friend always says... Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end.

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Going on a vacation. I really need it!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
I would go for smart!

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
The family vacations from my childhood. We always traveled to Southern France.

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My co-worker Katrien. We're having a rough time at work, but still she manages to keep it all under control.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
We don't celebrate Halloween in Belgium, so I haven't worn a Halloween costume yet.

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

mommyofphoenix07 05-07-2016 01:26 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
By all technicality…2008 I think…but I’m in and out when it comes to scrapping.

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
Other friends who designed. At the time, I’d been doing MySpace graphics. I was so excited when I got to buy my first kits. Haha.

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Netflix and some wine or tea perhaps. My current (marathon) show has been Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. :D

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
…Oh. Well…see above! Ha.

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
People who complain about what everyone else is doing incessantly…or get annoyed when they don’t like something and do nothing productive about it…just…sit there and complain. You know…the kind of people where it’s like…it’s always something.

(06) What's your best quality?
Well…in spirit…I have a good reputation for heart and passion. But in a different sense I’m also great at being resourceful or jumping into action on something.

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Not too far actually…beach house at a nearby beach for a weekend. It was still expensive but well worth it.

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Mornings if I’m not feeling exhausted.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
I’m single, please don’t get me started. I’ll put it like this…a man should never try to ‘randomly’ slip his peeing fetish into a first date conversation. Nor should the same man text you later to let you know you have a ‘hot rack’.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing
something to someone else's house?
Potato soup, peach cobbler, or some amazing cookies I love to make inspired by a recipe on The Pioneer Woman.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
Noooo. I can’t look at a thing in my life without recognizing the good it has brought me, no matter how roundabout. I’ve had moments where I wish I didn’t have certain traumatizing setbacks that took a while to overcome…but then I remember the strength I gained from overcoming them…and how much more I feel like I live because of those experiences and overcoming them…and…I just…couldn’t want to take those things back.

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Perhaps Hermione…or a Ravenclaw wizard in general?

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Folding laundry is pretty much the bane of my existence. I can sort it, load it, and dry it…but for some reason I just dread the folding part. I don’t even know why. I feel like I’m always folding or hanging clothes sometimes and there’s only two of us! (Myself and the sprout.)

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
That I have people I love and who love me.

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
We’re really trying to save up to make it to DisneyWorld! Almost there! I’m 30 and I’ve never been so it will be both of our first time!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Uhhhh next question. No, just kidding, I’ll say obnoxiously smart because then maybe it would eventually help me learn how to be less obnoxious…hopefully? (But then maybe if I were obnoxiously rich I could pay for lessons or therapy for the same…hmmm...toss up.)

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Growing up? I have so many good memories with my son…it really is hard to pinpoint one except the day I first looked in his eyes. With my family…probably Christmas mornings. Could be why I love Christmas the way I do as a parent now.

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
Jesus! Because he saves! No other reason needed.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
I think my favorite ever has been when I dressed up as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Coffee/Java flavors. Always love them.

coopert 05-07-2016 01:32 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 7 Years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Searching away on the internet. I remember thinking it had to exist, but it was hard to find.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Shopping with friends
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? NCIS LA and Scorpion
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Loud Eaters
(06) What's your best quality? I am a Loyal friend
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? England
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? 9:00am, after the kids are dropped off at school and I can relax with a cup of coffee
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? At the beach. I was 16 and uncomfortable about my body being at the beach with a guy so layed on my stomach the whole time, then ended up getting super sunburnt on my back. I also got a bloody nose.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Carnitas and Sweet potatoes. Going somewhere my hot 4 layer dip.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? The time I pinched my mom in the butt when she was cuddling me and I didn't want to be cuddled.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Beca from Pitch Perfect. I love to sing, but I kind of suck.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Washing dishes :/
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Everyone needs Love
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Visiting old friends in Massachusetts and Maine, while staying in an amazing house in Cape Cod.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Oh Geez, that's a hard one. Obnoxiously rich!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? When my babies were born. Two of the best most amazing days of my life.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My husband. He works hard to take care of our family and lets me stay home with my kids.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Minnie Mouse, because my son was Micky Mouse.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee!

jumbbumble 05-07-2016 02:24 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?i think it is 12 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?about 5 years ago one of my designers moved to the store here and i moved to as a ct member and never have going away
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?crossstitching or read a book
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?Reign
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?people who are complaining about everything
(06) What's your best quality?i am funny and outgoing
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Utrecht the netherlands
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?mornings i always feel the best in the morning
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?uhmm well then i whas really young and doing stupid things i met a barkeeper and he wanted to go to the coffeeshop before our date to smoke some wiet . aldo i whas crazy in my younger times i hated drugs and the date whas terrible
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?lasagna
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?i would change 1 of the boy's i met in my life the one that made my life terrible and made me afraid to even leave my house now almost 13 years later it still effects my life
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?Bella from the beauty and the beast , she loves reading and she is super friendly
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?The disces but mabey in a few month i dont have to do them anymore because in the new house whe have a dicewasser if whe get the new house
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?when you are good for a other they are good for you
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?Well whe just both a house , well whe dit a bit and got it now whe only need to get the finance and then whe finally gonne move to our own home this year !
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?i think rich so i can help other people that are in need and only do volenteer work
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?i think the wedding from my mother
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My lover , he is working so much overtime so whe can buy our house and in between he always make sure to viset my grandma help my mother or his mother when they need it he is just always there for the people in his life
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?whe dont have halloween her but carnaval and then i whas a pirate
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?anything with nuts

speechphi 05-07-2016 02:27 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Officially just this past summer, so not even a year! But I have a digital school days album for each of my kids I've been working on since 2009-ish

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I was searching for fun Disney LOs online & happened to find the gallery here

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
TV & a glass of wine

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
either Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, though I now watch both "live"

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
probably slow drivers

(06) What's your best quality?
loyal to a fault

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Disneyland & Newport Beach for spring break

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
late at night when everyone's sleeping & I can scrap to my heart's content...as long as I don't have to wake up too early the next morning!

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
This guy picked me up & (supposedly) his car died on our way to dinner...and all he talked about all night was this girl who wouldn't go out with him & he wanted advice, yada yada...I was so relieved when the night was over & never expected him to call again. Until he did, and asked me out again & if I had any money since he was broke. Needless to say, I didn't go out on that second date!

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
If it's summertime, my macaroni salad! It's the stupidest, easiest, yummiest recipe, and whenever I need to bring a dish somewhere, it's usually requested by a few people.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
So everyone keeps mentioning the Butterfly Effect...and I do think about that, but yeah, I'd still go back & be nicer to this one boy who asked me out in high school. I wasn't very nice to him, and looking back...I really missed out. Everything happens for a reason, and I wouldn't want to go back until I'm on my deathbed because this life is pretty dang good!

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Hermione, she is such a smart, strong, amazing young woman!

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
all of the above, lol!

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
to quote my daughter this evening (and Paul McCartney), all you need is love

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
a week at Disneyland's Grand Californian...poolside with cocktails!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
obnoxiously rich!

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
gosh, I think anytime we go to Disneyland...for the most part, everyone is getting along & we're just having fun together & spoiling ourselves...well deserved "us" time

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
my mom...she's just awesome

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
I was Ursula the Sea Witch this past Halloween, and I looked awesome!

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Baskin-Robbins Peanut Butter Cup (the one that's chocolate ice cream with peanut butter in it). Salty & sweet. Divine.

mimisgirl 05-07-2016 02:30 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Since 2011, so about 5 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? internet search looking for digi goodies
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? a glass of wine and some painting and mixed media work
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Shannara Chronicles
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? people spreading misinformation on Social Media
(06) What's your best quality? I forgive quickly
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Doi Saket
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? early morning - everyone is still asleep and it is the coolest time of the day
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? umm, utter hell. he wanted to jump right to smoochy face and I just wanted out of the car - he stank.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Vietnamese Chicken Salad
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?, ooh, tough one. hmm, no, because even the wrong choices and the hard situations have taught me something and made me who I am today.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Winnie the Pooh - he gets to eat Honey and forgets what is bothering him really quickly
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? at the moment - washing diapers - ugh.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? I am not a mistake!
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? I get to go back home to the US and meet my two newest family members - a niece from one sister and a nephew from the other (both born in the last 6 months - YAY!)
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Well I am already smart (snert) so RICH!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? with my extended family it would be a Thanksgiving back in 2008 when we were all together and camping out - has not happened since, I enjoyed the closeness and the length of time we all spent together.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? hmm Aung San Suchi - She has literally been through hell, and lived to tell the tale and gone on to win great things for her people. I have not met her, but I have seen her from a distance, and I truly do admire her.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Oreo Cookie (well half, my boyfriend in high school was the other half - we rocked)
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?[/QUOTE] Ohh, just one? at the moment - Cinnamon

Quantum_Leap 05-07-2016 03:01 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? four years, give or take
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I knew Trish Harden from another forum and she introduced me to it. :)
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? relax on the couch and read
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Downtown Abbey
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? It really bothers me when people behave in an uninformed way -- for example, by sharing false memes on Facebook without fact-checking them first.
(06) What's your best quality? my intelligence
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Redmond, Oregon
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? the evenings after the kids go to bed because it is the only time I get the chance to scrap!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I've never really had a terrible first date, but my very first date, which was to a school dance in eighth grade, involved my boyfriend's father driving us and making very awkward small talk. I guess that was the worst.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Aunt Betty's potatoes (a secret recipe that involves shredded potatoes, lots and lots of cheese, cream of mushroom soup, and a cornflake topping), but I don't make them, my husband does. I don't really cook, ever.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? Yes, I probably would not have moved back to the U.S. from Kuwait as early as I did. We were earning a lot of money there and we should have stayed for a few more years to build up a more comfortable financial cushion before coming home.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Hmm...I think I would be Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear just because I would love to see what the world looked like before recorded human history began.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? I really hate laundry because it is never-ending at our house. We have to do at least one load a day, and it's so tedious.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? That I love my children, my husband, and my family with all my heart.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? I'm looking forward to seeing The BFG movie with my son this summer. We just finished reading the book together, and he's very excited.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? I think that I'm already decently smart, so I would choose obnoxiously rich.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Probably the day that my youngest daughter was born. She was a homebirth, and when we all gathered together in my bedroom to introduce her to my older two sons, there was an incredible feeling of peace and pride.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My mother and father. They are probably the most hardworking, dedicated, and generous people I have ever met. I hope to parent my own children as well as they did me.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? When I was in eighth grade, I was Scarlet O'Hara. My mom sewed my costume for me, complete with hoop skirt. :)
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? peppermint

anelia 05-07-2016 03:55 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 7 years, I guess :)
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? When? Probably 2009. How? From a forum.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Go out for a walk, eat out at e restaurant.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Previous season of GOT.
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? hypocrisy and falseness
(06) What's your best quality? I'm just. I can't stand injustice and abuse.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Berlin, Germany.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Morning for work because I feel most energetic.
Evening for leisure :)
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Pfu, it was with an older man when I was very young...he ordered whiskey and peanuts and I don't drink alcohol and felt uncomfortable. I didn't like his looks either. I couldn't wait for him to finish his drink and walk me home...never saw him again, of course.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Chocolate cupcakes -- I'm good at those and people adore mine :)
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would try to save my cousin from his death. I would try to make him stay home instead of driving his car in the dense fog!
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Belle from Beauty and the beast or Ariel from the Little mermaid. I love heartfelt stories and a little drama.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Vacuum.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? No matter how hard I try, if something isn't destined, it's not gonna work!
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Better my health and hoping to be able to conceive.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Hard choice but...I'm already smart enough. What's more, today wit and brains is not the most important. So, for this time and live, I'd choose rich.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Three years ago when DH and I were on a vacation in Germany, the family joined spontaneously :) It was a sweet surprise.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My husband because he never shows doubt or fear and does everything for me.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? The queen of hearts
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Belgium chocolate (Haagen Dazs)

Bellerose 05-07-2016 04:04 AM

(01)How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since 2013. Just wish I had found DS when my first was born and I had more time to scrap!
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I am fairly sure it was through google, because once I found out about DS I searched for as much as I could find out about it in the beginning.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Has to be with a glass of red wine.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
This was so long ago, seriously have not had much time for TV since my third was born... it was the last series of Revenge, and I basically fast forwarded through each episode so I could watch them all in one afternoon.
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
People eating with their mouths open and makings chewing noises when they eat.
(06) What's your best quality?
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
We went to the lovely Bali.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
If I am able to get up, sunrise. I love the peace and quiet, the beautiful colours in the sky and the promise of what a new day can bring.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
We had met out a club and we went to the beach for our first date and I just realised I wasn't really into him and I really just wanted him to drive me home the whole time.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Pavlova, it is really easy to make and everyone seems to love the one I make.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
It would be not paying $400 for a front row seat at the Celine Dion, Taking Chances concert I went to in Sydney, Australia. I had just bought 4 cheaper tickets, one for myself and three other people my husband knew. I decided just to do a search of where I could have been if I wanted the best seats and this one centre front row seat came up. I didn't buy it because I had just bought the other tickets and was worried I wasn't going to get the money for them because I didn't really know the other people :(
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
I would want super powers or to be magical so I guess maybe Super Woman or Samantha in Bewitched whom I was aptly named after! Why - umm who wouldn't want super powers or to be able to clean the house by wiggling their nose!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Sorry, all of them LOL..
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
That I love my children more than anything in the world and would do almost anything for them.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Going to Bali for a big family get together to celebrate my parents 60th birthday's and their 40th wedding anniversary. I live 3000km from them, so I am itching to see them all!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
obnoxiously smart - if I was that smart I would know how to become obnoxiously rich!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
This is a really really hard question, as there are so many... One of my most recent I guess would be a day trip we took around our local area into which we have just moved. I loved that we spent the day together exploring caves, beaches and lighthouses. Can't wait to do something like this again.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
Celine Dion. I adore her! She is disciplined, well grounded, in touch with her emotions, a loving mother, sister and daughter and obviously extremely talented. I love that when she describes herself she will call herself a mother first, not an artist or singer.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
I don't really celebrate Halloween, but my brother had a western party and I went as an Indian Chief with this huge awesome feather
head dress
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and Cream

Gemma 05-07-2016 04:46 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Since 2010
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Discovered and bought my first kit in 2008 and joined the forum in 2010
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Eat chocolate, have a hot bath then watch TV.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Dexter
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Lateness
(06) What's your best quality? I'm loyal
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? A seaside town quite close to home, we don't go on holiday much
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Evening, I love when it's close to bed time!!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Quite good lol, we went for drinks and a meal, stayed out laughing over wine for hours. It was a one off date but I really enjoyed it
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Curry and rice, I basically just throw things in a pan then add some curry powder and simmer away lol, nice and easy.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? No, I wouldn't want to change anything
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Ironing
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? I love my family and would do anything for them.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Moving house
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Obnoxiously smart, then I'd make money from being smart LOL
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? We went to the park for a picnic, it was a lovely sunny day (rare in uk lol) and everyone had fun all day long, the kids didn't fight and it was an all round fab day.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My nana, she moans but she'll do anything for anyone, she never sits down and always has people staying at her house if they fall out with their parents, even I lived at hers for 1 year when I was 15 and fell out with my mum.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I don't dress up for Halloween so this one is not applicable to me.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? CHOCOLATE

Nikki Epperson 05-07-2016 08:42 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Woah, about 8 years! Crazy!
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I was doing tags and someone used a kit from SSD, so I asked where they got it. Love at first kit!
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
A long bath, or some tv drama!
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
Once Upon A Time, for the 3rd time
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Just one? I have many "biggest" lol. I don't like to hear people crunching. I know they can't help it, but it makes my stomach turn!
(06) What's your best quality?
I'm funny. I can almost always lighten a difficult situation.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Branson, MO
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
I like early mornings. Dusty has gone to work and nobody else is up. It's quiet!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
I didn't ever really date. Dusty did only buy one lemonade for us to share on our first outing though! We had to share with Lane, and he was 6!
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
I tend to just take chips or a veggie tray. My family always has big dinners, so I take something for snacking!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I always say I would, but I wouldn't. We wouldn't be who we are without the struggles, joys, etc.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
hmmm, that's a tough one. Right now, I totally love Emma from Once Upon A Time. She's so brave. Sometimes I need help in that department!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Dishes. Our dishwasher has been dead for 3 years. I hate dishes.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
Family is forever.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Going to Branson this summer and getting out of here, lol!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Rich. Being smart is sometimes a curse. People are intimidated by smarts!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
I couldn't name just one as a favorite. I do love our time from Silver Dollar City, recently. We are a bunch of goofballs!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My Mom!!!! She's amazing. Had to raise us on her own, but never gave up!
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
haha, I was a saloon girl one year, and I still love it!
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Right now, I'm on a Peppermint kick. But only from Braum's. YUM!!!

Suzs 05-07-2016 10:47 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? For 9 years! But I did take a break for a few years in the middle when life got too crazy to do any
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? Way back when I was originally scrapping, this has always been a favourite shop for me
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?Taking a walk with my dog or playing the piano
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?I don't really watch TV at all but we did do a Macgyver marathon with the kids over the winter
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?People using their cell phones while driving!
(06) What's your best quality?That I am very patient (necessary when working in a high school
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? My favourite place Disney World
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?That peaceful time in the morning while no one else is up (after I get up as I am not one who likes to actually get out of bed) lol
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?I really don't have much dating experience as I got married just after I turned 21
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?lasagna
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?I don't think I would change anything as all of those big choice moments taught me something about myself and helped me become who I am.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?Professor McGonnigal as I would love to teach at Hogwarts!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?Does all of them count?
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?That you can't control other people in life but what you can control is your reaction to them.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?Starting my new role in my school division in the fall
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?smart probably
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?I have many but all involve just spending time together and having fun
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?My gram, she was an amazing woman
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?The red and black flapper dress my Gram had amongst all of here amazing costumes
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavour? Does all of them count? I love ice cream!

kc33558 05-07-2016 11:33 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
15 Years, Started with pictures of my dog.
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
Not really sure, to be honest because I was a traditional scrapbooker long before I went digital. I just can't remember....
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
I read the Facebook to catch up wtih everyone I know.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
How I Met Your Mother
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
People who take too big or too much lugguge into the cabin of a plane. Drives me INSANE!!!
(06) What's your best quality?
My creativity!
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Visited my parents in Omaha in March, last summer went to Yellowstone with my family!
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Early in the morning. I check my personal email, check the FB, check SSD, and play a Jigzone Puzzle each morning.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Just going out with someone I really didn't want to. Bad enough.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Anything that is a dessert. That's all I know how to cook!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
You live and you learn. I am not certain I would change anything. Nothing is perfect.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
One of the dragons in GoT. Because then I would be awesome and the reason we all watch the show!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Anything that involves cleaning the house in any way!
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
I love my kid. Best thing that ever happened to me.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
It's a work project that I am excited to get complete by early November 2016!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Obnoxiously Rich because then I wouldn't have a care about being so smart!
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Our trip to Yellowstone was magical. My husband and I were our happiest driving around and stopping at each site. We even chased a rainbow!
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
Tyrion Lannister: because he drinks and he knows things!
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Any cat face my mom painted on me. Not really a costume but she could really paint faces and that was very cool.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Private Selection Chocolate Granache. It is just that good.

Sasha 05-07-2016 11:52 AM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?I started back in 07 when my 3rd girl was born
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?searching google
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?this is usually after my lil ones are showered and In bed and I go for a good book
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?the walking dead..had to catch up since season 7 is almost here
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?I have a few but the most annoying one is a dirty fridge
(06) What's your best quality?I am extremely patient
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?Ensenada
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?When I get home and get to schnuggle my baby
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?its been so long I cant remember
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?fruit salad
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?nothing really, I wouldn't be where I am if I change anything
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?I would choose to be Allie in the notebook
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?washing, actually putting away the clothes
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?I can't control everything
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?having a debt free life
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?obnoxiously rich lol
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?hard to pick just one, but our Disney days are magical
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?the police, they saved my life
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?a construction clown complete with my dads boots
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?right now its salted caramel from coldstone

OrianaVianey 05-07-2016 12:07 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since february 2006

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
Since day one. But at the beginning I didn´t have pay pal, so I registred like 6 months layer.

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
The Originals

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Water on the table (condensation drops)

(06) What's your best quality?

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Orlando - Disney & Universal

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Night, because I´m with my family

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?

No comments

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
Not hurting mi ex

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Miranda - Devils Wears Prada or Samantha on Sex in the City

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
Lost in translation

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Mi new company

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
My grandmother singing to me

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My mother. She is the most amazing and corageous woman ever.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Last year I was Charlie Chaplin

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Hagen Daz - Macademia Brittle

scrappingram 05-07-2016 12:19 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 2009
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? 2009 DST
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? meditate
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? The Voice
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? dripping water faucet
(06) What's your best quality? positive everything
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? NYC
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? 4:30a.m. 1 1/2 hrs just me
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? worst-drive around town
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? broccoli salad
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldnt chg anything-everything is going as planned
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Alice {alice in wonderland} love her imagination
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? bathroom cleaning
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? I need 4 EHD -4TB each :-)
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? relaxing-sitting by the lake drinking wine with my feet up
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? smart--that will get you rich
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? trip to NYC with our daughters for 5 days
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Mother Teresa, doesnt get any better than her
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? an old man, it was a riot
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate w peanut butter

mmatforum 05-07-2016 12:45 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? 7 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? I think it was about 4 years ago when I was scrapping our Disney vacation and someone on a disney scrapping forum used one of Cindy's templates
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Reading or watching a fun TV show
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Daredevil
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? People who don't take responsibility for themselves
(06) What's your best quality? As boring as it is, I'm dependable
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? A comic con in San Antonio last year
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Morning. I'm already a morning person, but the day is still full of possibilities in the morning
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I went out with a guy who'd just been dumped by the girl he'd dated all through high school. She was at the movie theater and came up to us afterwards and was really rude and insulting to me. The guy said nothing.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Taco Salad
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I only have a few small things that I wish were different, but I wouldn't risk going back to change things for something small.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Hermione Granger. Because, magic!
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Dusting. For some reason I'll do other cleaning for twice as long to avoid dusting.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? That my husband is my meant to be.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? We have tickets to a Supernatural convention and I am a big nerd!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? I'm doing okay in the smarts department, so I would pick obnoxiously rich.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? It's just my husband and I. There are a few things that we're both really into and I think all of my favorite memories are when we're doing something related to those (like going to a comic con or visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park). It's always a lot of fun and it's wonder
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My grandmother. She was always kind and took care of everyone, but she was also one of the happiest people I ever met. She could always find something to laugh and smile about no matter what was going on. On the other hand, you knew not to mess with her because she fought dirty!
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I've always loved Halloween, especially decorating for it. But I haven't really dressed up for it since I was a kid and none of those were all that special.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Butter pecan

rach3975 05-07-2016 02:21 PM

901) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Twelve years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? On opening day :) The digiscrapping community was much smaller then, with only a few big sites, so a shop opening was a pretty big deal.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Reading
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? No idea...I can't scrap and watch tv, so I don't watch much tv.
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Not being acknowledged when I speak to someone. DH and DS do it all the time. Grrr!
(06) What's your best quality? I'm patient and reasonable.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? We were in Disney World in March and spent a weekend visiting family in Connecticut in April.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Night. I've always been a night person, and since having kids that's become my time for hobbies and relaxing.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Ummmm...I haven't had one, LOL. DH and I started dating when I was 19. I had boyfriends before him, but they were all people I knew well before we started dating so no first date fails.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Reservations! I hate cooking for people.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't have gone to grad school. I went shortly before having kids, thinking that the degree would offer me more options and higher pay for part time work in my field. But things didn't work out like that, so my Master's degree has mostly been an expensive piece of paper. At least I did it part time while working, so I didn't come out of the program with any debt.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? The people I'd like to be temporarily aren't fictional; I would rather see the world from my children's or DH's POV to understand them better.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? It's a toss up between vacuuming and handwashing dishes.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? There is never going to be enough time to do it all, so you have to make time for the things that are truly important to you.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? DS's 6th grade graduation, though I'm both looking forward to and dreading it. How is he old enough to go to middle school already?!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Rich! I feel like I could solve more problems (mine and the community's) with money than brains. There are already lots of good solutions out there that aren't being funded.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Our Disney trip in March. It's the first vacation we've taken in many years that was just the 5 of us, and it was so nice to spend time together making happy memories.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My grandmother. She was brave and never met a stranger, both traits that I struggle with. She came to the US alone as an older teen with only an 8th grade education and little to no English.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I can't remember. My parents didn't like buying Halloween costumes, so many years my sister and I went dressed as gypsies wearing my mother's clothes, scarves, and costume jewelry.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Extreme Chocolate Moose Tracks. It's chocolate ice cream with a ribbon of chocolate fudge and chocolate candies. Yum!

bcgal00 05-07-2016 02:26 PM

01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?about 6 yrs
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?searching online for forums and stores
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?a a snack and a good book or tv show
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?The Catch
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?people that don't signal when they are turning or cutting in front of you on the road
(06) What's your best quality?my ability to make lemonade out of lemons
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Alaska cruise, wish I was still there
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?Lately, it's been early morning, I grab a coffee a sit down to peruse forum, shop and/or scrap a page before starting work, the house is quiet and it's so relaxing
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? worst was going out with my childhood crush when in my 20's and finding out that we didn't have a lot in common, it was awkward and sad b/c at 13 (we went to the same school) I was madly in love and would walk by his house, just hoping to get a glimpse of him and then after our date I couldn't wait to go home
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?grape chili meatballs
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?Sometimes I think that I should never have left my hospital union job yrs ago b/c of the salary, benefits and holidays I would have but then I think about how wonderful it has been to work at home all these yrs and enjoying more time for scrapbooking, playing with my dog, not being so stressed, so I guess I'd leave things as is
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?I love the kick-ass personality of Cookie in Empire. She's a bit nutty but she's a strong character and knows her own mind. Plus she wears whatever she wants and has her own crazy sense of fashion.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?Vacuuming
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?I love my family
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?Buying a new mirrorless camera after I sell off some unused photog stuff
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Smart b/c then I would know what I needed to do and how to go about it to be rich
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?With my mom gone now, I have fond memories of our last Xmas together and how happy she was even though she was so tired and sick
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?My mom. She was the most selfless and kindest person I know yet had a strength of character that amazed me
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?One of the best times was many yrs ago when I designed and wore a genie costume to a party and won first prize. It was a kind of "I Dream Of Jeannie" costume
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?peanut butter chocolate

ellasspace 05-07-2016 03:06 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
about 4 1/2 years I started in 2010 but had a bad accident and had to take time off
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
through word of mouth when searching digi scrap
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Reading or a favorite TV show
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
Homicide hunter
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
stupid drivers
(06) What's your best quality?
I stand up for my values
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Puerto Rico
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Mornings, because it is the quietest time of day here
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Lost my swim suit top in the pool on a blind date...enough said :o
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Taco ring...because it's easy and everyone loves it
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
nothing I think our life events shape who we are
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
no clue :/
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
God loves me
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
swimming in our new pool
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Easter egg hunts, because the whole family comes and the kids are so cute durring
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My dad ...because he was loving but firm and so so funny
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Princess ..I wore it 3 years in a row lol
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Butter pecan

JennNtheBoys 05-07-2016 03:06 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? since 2006 - 10 years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? a long LONG time ago when I was freebie hunting one day... it has always been my favorite Digital Scrap spot even though it took me 8 years to be an "active" member
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? watch tv
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? everything to do with shopping in a physical store.
(06) What's your best quality? Love Helping Others
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? NYC (in 2009)
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? early morning - it's quiet
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I've never been on a date... LOL My friend asked me to be his GF and we've been inseparable ever since, but we skipping the whole dating part.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Pulled Pork :D
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? IF I were to go back about the only thing I can think of that I would change would be to not drop out of college, but in order for that to happen would be changing that my first born son not be born at the time he was... so I really wouldn't change anything cause no matter how hard things are now, not having the 3 boys exactly as they are is unthinkable.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Wonder Woman! She's a SuperHero, inspirational, Hawt and has an invisible plane (imagine the birds eye view pictures she can get!!!).... need I say more?
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? It's a tie between washing silverware and folding socks.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? How much I love my kids....even the furry one.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? More day trips this summer... this is the first year we've had a car in a long time so getting out and doing things no matter how nearby is our top priority.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Well, either way I'd probably have no friends because of it, so I guess Obnoxiously Rich, that way I can at least buy ALL the scrappy goodies LOL
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Hands down Family Game Nights.... we laugh so hard and have fun and really see everyones personality burst at game time.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? Wow, I really don't know if I have an answer.... I do know I look up to my kids a lot.... I push them to do the things that I always struggled with in life, and they do amazing things that make me proud and inspire me to try harder to be able to do those things myself.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? Probably last year when I did my Day of the Dead face paint.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Moon Mist!

Patriciejw 05-07-2016 05:37 PM

01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
2 months

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
2 months ago

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Watching scandal, cartoons, reading, homework

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?

(06) What's your best quality?
Being a good mom to my favorite people in the world (Devin and Drew)

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Nighttime and right after my kids get on the bus to go to school

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
Was not really a first date, I got into an argument with my prom date over colors for his suit and how he did not know how to drive his stick shift car, so I got out the car and walked home 3 miles.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Soda or napkins, I do not cook and would not torture someone with my bad cooking

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I love my life so I would not change a thing, good, bad, or indifferent

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Cher from Clueless, she had a revolving closet

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
None, but I guess laundry because it means I have a clean outfit to wear

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
Reality is an illusion because realities differ from person to person… (sorry Psy/ Soc major)

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
My Back to Back Disney Cruise

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Of course RICH

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
Singing karaoke in the living room with my sons

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
My grandmother aka yaya. She raised me, she is so strong, and she is the kindness person in the world

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Princess Jasmine 3rd grade. My mom made me wear a leotard underneath because she did not want my midriff showing

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla, plain jane

mommyofphoenix07 05-07-2016 05:38 PM

Totally had to come back and check out the other replies some and I think my faves to read are 1, 2, and what shows everyone binge-watches...but I guess because it's tough to absorb all of it at once. It's enjoyable to see how everyone started around here...and I kind of like seeing what people make time to watch! :D (As much as I like and respect those who don't care for tv because for a lonnng time I was the same. I have a few select shows I watch here and there and even then I watch in phases because I never feel like I have tiiiime to watch anything.)

Sherri Tierney 05-07-2016 06:06 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? - 14 years now
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? - I remember when the store opened. I've been around forever, even if not an active participant.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? - I'm pretty boring. Netflix and a cold diet Pepsi does it for me.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? - The last full season? Fixer-Upper - Currently, The Ranch
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? entitlement, or to be precise, people with a sense of entitlement
(06) What's your best quality? The ability to look at things objectively
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Pennsylvania
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Evening, when the sun is setting. We moved and it is just so gorgeous out here in the evening. It is still, quiet, and beautiful and there are no houses in sight other than ours so we feel like we are alone in the world and it is amazing!
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? I married my first date. :) It was a great date.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Lasagna usually if people are over. To bring somewhere else, apple dumplings.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I'd love to not buy the second house we bought, but if we didn't buy that then history would be different and we may not be where we are now, so I wouldn't really change it.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Dishes!
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? I have the most wonderful Heavenly Father and an amazing family on earth.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? Looking forward to unpacking the rest of the boxes from the move. ;)
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Can I choose moderately of both? ;) No, I'd rather be smart.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? It changes day to day. It is always a time when the 4 of us are together doing something adventurous though.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My grandma. She raised 4 kids of her own, 3 grandchildren, and 21 others that she helped along the way. She did most of that being a disabled, single parent. She was a strong woman and didn't stop fighting until the very end.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? My friend and I both went as harem girls in high school, very coincidentally, though our costumes were not identical, thankfully. I loved that costume. :)
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? White chocolate raspberry cheesecake

mpatry 05-07-2016 07:03 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since a few months before my daughter was born, so about 11.5 yrs?

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
According to my account I joined April 2007, no idea how I discovered it though, it was about 2.5 yrs after I started scrapbooking?

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Reading, crochet or playing Just Dance on the Wii.

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
I am currently binge watching House, MD... am on the last season! What am I gonna watch next?!

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Hmmm... shoes left in front of the door. Seriously, when I was a teen and my brother did this I tossed his shoes/boots out the door. Now when hubby does it it takes everything I have not to toss them out the door. :cursing:

(06) What's your best quality?
Hmm.... My creative, out of the box thinking?

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Real vacation? Monte Tremblant, tubing, swimming, hubby went skiing... wonderful time in a place with an amazing view.

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
9am, when my DD gets on her bus and the rest of the day is mine - starting with a walk.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
worst date - a guy took me to a movie once, Pokemon the Movie. Yep. Worst date.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Pulled Pork on a bun, if at home served with coleslaw.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
I would go to college. I never did post secondary school, had no money and had no idea what I wanted to do. I should have gone, and at least taken some business admin course that could have been used for just about anything.

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Garcia!!!! From Criminal Minds!!! OMG I've always wanted to be her. So unique, so amazing on the computer, part of such an amazing team... I love her!

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Dusting. I'm allergic to dust so when it gets all in the air... ugh.

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
Family is number one. <3

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
Working in my new gardens, can't wait to see everything I planted last year come up and can't wait to put in more. Love my new home!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
Hmmm.... smart? Cause then I can turn that easily into also rich... lol.

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
When the women of my family all came and visited me last summer, we had a great girls only weekend. Me and my DD, my mother, my 2 sisters and my little niece.

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
I don't know. I've been sitting here thinking and I just can't think of any.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Last yr, my first edition of a steampunk costume. Still need to put more work into it but it was a good start and fun to wear what I had so far put together.

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood I guess, when I'm really craving chocolate - Rocky Road. When I'm craving fruity - Orange Sherbet.

breakingbrie 05-07-2016 08:58 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
Since 2008

(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
When was 2008, it was the first place I started scrapping at! Found from making siggies.

(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Watching tv

(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
Currently working through Criminal Minds! omg, taking forever lol. I'm on season 7.

(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Hm, not sure biggest, but it drives me up the wall when my kids 'can't find' something that's in plain sight :cursing:

(06) What's your best quality?
I think I'm a great listener

(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Never really had a real vacation.

(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Late at night when everyone else goes to sleep, because I can unwind in the quiet and have some me time.

(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
I'd say first date with Wi was the worst! We watched a horrible movie at the theater, I think we both may have napped. And I drove, for some odd reason, and I got so lost in the dark and accidentally drove through someone's yard leaving big mud ruts :D Yep, that's the worst it gets. I haven't been on dates with too many people.

(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
We rarely have people over, but going to cookouts/meals at other's houses I usually take pasta salad.

(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?
Absolutely. No question, I'd make sure Wi never had the unnecessary lung surgery back in '07.

(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?
Oh gosh, I don't even know!!

(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
I don't mind housework at all. It's therapeutic for me.

(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
My husband love me :wub:

(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
We're thinking of planning an actual vacation this year!!

(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
I think obnoxiously smart... I'd hope I'd be smart enough to make plenty of money and manage it well, but if I was just rich, I'd probably not be smart with it.

(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
I think our 5 day road trip when we moved from WA to TX. We took our time and stopped to visit some cool places!

(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
Another one I'm not even sure of.

(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Tifa from ffVII

(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
cherry vanilla!

immaculeah 05-07-2016 10:08 PM

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Since 2006
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? In 2007 through a former sugar babe, aggie
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? watch tv or play games
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? The X-files
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? backstabbers
(06) What's your best quality? Thoughtful and loyal
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? Disney World
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Night when I get to scrap
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Fortunately, I did not have one.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? I don't cook so I usually buy fruit tart from Whole Foods. It's yummy!
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I would never change a thing.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? Hermione Kranger (Emma Watson) from Harry Potter. I just adored her character in that movie.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? Ironing
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? Jesus loves me.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? I'm looking forward to going some place I've never been. Not sure where yet as it's still in the planning stage.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Obnoxiously smart
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Nothing in particular. Every time I spend with my family is a special moment.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? For Marvel, Iron Man. For DC, Batman.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I grew up in a country where we don't celebrate Halloween so none.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? anything with chocolate

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