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craftytam 06-27-2022 04:36 PM

What would your...
What would your occupation be if you had followed your childhood dreams?

craftytam 06-27-2022 04:38 PM

The King Tut exhibit was in Los Angeles in 1979 - when I was in elementary school. I wanted to be an archeologist so badly! I never followed through with it, though.

KristinCB 06-27-2022 04:47 PM

When I was in 3rd grade I wanted to be an actress on days of our lives.... lol

craftytam 06-27-2022 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by KristinCB (Post 1063101964)
When I was in 3rd grade I wanted to be an actress on days of our lives.... lol

LOL! Did you like acting or just like the show?

HavaDrPepper 06-27-2022 05:28 PM

Well, at the age of 5, I played "teacher" all the time. Just like my mom. By high school I wanted to be a librarian and that's what my goal was entering college. I wasn't happy in the A&S area in undergraduate so switched to Education and got that degree. I never did get the Master's degree to become a librarian. I did try teaching about 8 years after I got out of college and found it wasn't for me. I enjoyed the work I had done in an accounting department in a hospital (as the secretary) right out of college so ended up working in the accounting field until my retirement.

craftytam 06-27-2022 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by HavaDrPepper (Post 1063101967)
Well, at the age of 5, I played "teacher" all the time. Just like my mom. By high school I wanted to be a librarian and that's what my goal was entering college. I wasn't happy in the A&S area in undergraduate so switched to Education and got that degree. I never did get the Master's degree to become a librarian. I did try teaching about 8 years after I got out of college and found it wasn't for me. I enjoyed the work I had done in an accounting department in a hospital (as the secretary) right out of college so ended up working in the accounting field until my retirement.

I'm glad you were able to find a path you enjoyed.

lovely1m 06-27-2022 05:50 PM

I wanted to be an astronaut. I even went to space camp twice as a teen.

craftytam 06-27-2022 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by lovely1m (Post 1063101969)
I wanted to be an astronaut. I even went to space camp twice as a teen.

Space camp sounds so cool!
Astronaut was on my list, too, but I've always been the ultimate most out-of-shape person. Even as a kid.

LynnZant 06-27-2022 06:35 PM

Geologist! I still think rocks are cool.

rach3975 06-27-2022 06:45 PM

Children's author. I'd still love to do it, but I'm not interesting enough, LOL! I went with preschool teacher instead, so I get to read kids all those awesome books.

HavaDrPepper 06-27-2022 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by craftytam (Post 1063101971)
Space camp sounds so cool!
Astronaut was on my list, too, but I've always been the ultimate most out-of-shape person. Even as a kid.

When I was a kid, a woman astronaut was unheard of. Heck there were only 16 astronauts total in my first 7 years. But one of those 16 was someone I knew from my hometown so we all lived vicariously through him. Besides being the first man to walk on the moon, he was also the first astronaut that was not in the military at the time of his selection aka "first civilian astronaut". He had served as a Navy pilot but was an aeronautical engineer and test pilot at time of selection.

stephc777 06-27-2022 09:05 PM

I know in first grade that I wanted to be a ballet dancer - I believed it was influenced by my nonstop listening to Swan Lake as a child. Later in life, I wanted to be an author, but have never really written anything - I've found I'd rather read than write =)

MamaBee 06-27-2022 09:39 PM

I changed my mind so many times…

As I kid, probably a teacher as I loved to do workbooks in the summer… which is fun circle as I homeschool my son.

In middle school… an Accountant because a boy I liked was going to be one..

crime lab… that one stuck with me a long time in school… I loved unsolved mysteries, but our Governor at the time was defunding our crime labs… my hubby laughs when I told him about wanting to do this career. As an adult I can’t stand bloody stuff!

Then my last career goal… that I started college for was paper science, it’s a chemical engineering fir the paper industry… but I'm not smart enough for the math so I ended up designing my own major to teach adults how to use computers and that is where I ended

Kimberly27 06-27-2022 10:33 PM

I wanted to be a neo natal doctor at one time, teacher was big too.
I got a teaching degree and taught for 3 years...then homeschooled my oldest for few years. Mom became center. I was a stampin up demo for a while, digi designer for a while, sold clothes too. Now I am trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...LOL
Hubby wants me to start a travel podcast...I am not sure :)

jacinda 06-28-2022 12:22 AM

Paediatric nurse. I ended up being an army medic, and now I'm an education support worker for my local kindergartens, so between the two I was pretty close.

joelsgirl 06-28-2022 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by KristinCB (Post 1063101964)
When I was in 3rd grade I wanted to be an actress on days of our lives.... lol

Was it so that you could kiss Bo? He was so handsome and sexy! I always wanted to BE Hope. She was and still is wildly beautiful. Have you seen her lately? I don’t know what she’s done, but she hasn’t aged at all.

I wanted to be a teacher, a wife and a mommy, and as I became each of those things, I realized I suck at all of them. So that’s a fun life discovery. Adulthood is not my favorite. I’d give up all the freedom just to have someone else plan and prepare all of my meals for me. ;)

nesser1981 06-28-2022 09:48 AM

Country Singer (but I can't sing, LOL!) or Actress, LOL!

bienejen 06-28-2022 10:17 AM

When I was young I used to play teacher a lot. Smurfette was a big thing when I was maybe in late elementary school? And smurfette could be anything so then I thought about being a lawyer or a doctor or the president. Then I worked my butt off in high school and got to college and was tired and overwhelmed and a bit lazy and studied business. I should have stuck with any of my younger goals, except president.

LJSDesigns 06-28-2022 11:45 AM

I would be a poet. I started writing poems when I was four years old and was sure I wanted to be a poet. LOL

Leablahblah 06-28-2022 02:04 PM

Early on I wanted to be a teacher. Then I wanted to work in an orphanage.

iScrap 06-28-2022 02:12 PM

I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer (old TV show lol).

craftytam 06-28-2022 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1063101972)
Geologist! I still think rocks are cool.

I love rocks! My daughter did, too, when she was younger.


Originally Posted by rach3975 (Post 1063101973)
Children's author. I'd still love to do it, but I'm not interesting enough, LOL! I went with preschool teacher instead, so I get to read kids all those awesome books.

Being a preschool teacher is an important job. I'd bet the kids would love to have you read a book you wrote! ;)


Originally Posted by HavaDrPepper (Post 1063101976)
When I was a kid, a woman astronaut was unheard of. Heck there were only 16 astronauts total in my first 7 years. But one of those 16 was someone I knew from my hometown so we all lived vicariously through him. Besides being the first man to walk on the moon, he was also the first astronaut that was not in the military at the time of his selection aka "first civilian astronaut". He had served as a Navy pilot but was an aeronautical engineer and test pilot at time of selection.

Same with me. By the time Sally Ride went into space I was almost out of high school. That's really cool to live in a town that has such a hero with roots there!

craftytam 06-28-2022 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by stephc777 (Post 1063101984)
I know in first grade that I wanted to be a ballet dancer - I believed it was influenced by my nonstop listening to Swan Lake as a child. Later in life, I wanted to be an author, but have never really written anything - I've found I'd rather read than write =)

Did you take ballet classes as a girl? LOL! I'd rather read than write, too.


Originally Posted by MamaBee (Post 1063101986)
I changed my mind so many times…

As I kid, probably a teacher as I loved to do workbooks in the summer… which is fun circle as I homeschool my son.

In middle school… an Accountant because a boy I liked was going to be one..

crime lab… that one stuck with me a long time in school… I loved unsolved mysteries, but our Governor at the time was defunding our crime labs… my hubby laughs when I told him about wanting to do this career. As an adult I can’t stand bloody stuff!

Then my last career goal… that I started college for was paper science, it’s a chemical engineering fir the paper industry… but I'm not smart enough for the math so I ended up designing my own major to teach adults how to use computers and that is where I ended

I love the progression of your dreams! I'm with you on the math...not my forte. I love that you created your own major!


Originally Posted by Kimberly27 (Post 1063101991)
I wanted to be a neo natal doctor at one time, teacher was big too.
I got a teaching degree and taught for 3 years...then homeschooled my oldest for few years. Mom became center. I was a stampin up demo for a while, digi designer for a while, sold clothes too. Now I am trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...LOL
Hubby wants me to start a travel podcast...I am not sure :)

Oooh, a travel podcast would be fun! I've never figured out what I want to be when I grow up. Now that my kids are all adults, I'm taking care of my mom...so, maybe it will just be retirement for me. lol!

craftytam 06-28-2022 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by jacinda (Post 1063101997)
Paediatric nurse. I ended up being an army medic, and now I'm an education support worker for my local kindergartens, so between the two I was pretty close.

It's cool that you still ended up in the medical field through the military. Being an education support worker is definitely an important calling.


Originally Posted by joelsgirl (Post 1063102006)
Was it so that you could kiss Bo? He was so handsome and sexy! I always wanted to BE Hope. She was and still is wildly beautiful. Have you seen her lately? I don’t know what she’s done, but she hasn’t aged at all.

I wanted to be a teacher, a wife and a mommy, and as I became each of those things, I realized I suck at all of them. So that’s a fun life discovery. Adulthood is not my favorite. I’d give up all the freedom just to have someone else plan and prepare all of my meals for me. ;)

I'm sure you don't suck at all of them. But, I do understand. I feel like I sucked at all of those, too. Meal planning is my least favorite job in the world!!


Originally Posted by nesser1981 (Post 1063102012)
Country Singer (but I can't sing, LOL!) or Actress, LOL!

LOL! Childhood dreams are the best! :)

craftytam 06-28-2022 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by bienejen (Post 1063102014)
When I was young I used to play teacher a lot. Smurfette was a big thing when I was maybe in late elementary school? And smurfette could be anything so then I thought about being a lawyer or a doctor or the president. Then I worked my butt off in high school and got to college and was tired and overwhelmed and a bit lazy and studied business. I should have stuck with any of my younger goals, except president.

You had some big dreams as a kid! I think president would be way too stressful!


Originally Posted by LJSDesigns (Post 1063102021)
I would be a poet. I started writing poems when I was four years old and was sure I wanted to be a poet. LOL

Wow! Too bad Amazon or self-publishing weren't big things when you were four. That would have been awesome to publish! Do you still write poetry?


Originally Posted by Leablahblah (Post 1063102030)
Early on I wanted to be a teacher. Then I wanted to work in an orphanage.

I would want to adopt every child if I worked in an orphanage!


Originally Posted by iScrap (Post 1063102032)
I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer (old TV show lol).

I remember the Solid Gold dancers! Did you take dance lessons?

YepBrook 06-28-2022 10:10 PM

I wanted to be a mommy, an actress, an artist, and a zoologist.

I actually pursued art and theatre in college and settled on a fine art degree. Then I became a mommy... which was the best job of all. I also have pets and homeschool my kids- science is my favorite subject to teach... and I have a dog so, consider that my zoo-ology. LOL I think I came pretty close to my dreams except for acting. I realized life is drama enough... no reason to create more of it. :D

LJSDesigns 06-28-2022 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by craftytam (Post 1063102036)

Wow! Too bad Amazon or self-publishing weren't big things when you were four. That would have been awesome to publish! Do you still write poetry?

No, not much. But my son is a wonderful poet who has been published many, many times and edits two poetry journals, so I feel like he is keeping the dream alive.

Ponytails 06-29-2022 11:23 AM

In a "dream" world I'd have been a prima ballerina or an opera singer. I can't sing or dance, for the record. LOL

I always thought I wanted to be a high school English teacher, but then I started volunteering in a high school and realized that I can't stand being around teens for that long... and I'd be much better suited for college level teaching. But by then I was a single mom with three kids to take care of, so it wasn't super realistic to think of finishing my Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate. Especially when I already had a really good paying job in 911 dispatch.

When I was a kid I used to want to be a librarian. Funny enough, I've just enrolled back at university to do just that... starting in September. I'm so done with the 911 stuff!!! I'm looking forward to ending my working years in a happy job that I love.

StacyLynn 06-29-2022 11:31 AM

I spent most of my childhood knowing I wanted to be a teacher, wife and mommy.... and yup I am all of those.

BUT in highschool I really thought about becoming an artist or animator for Disney.

Cherylny 06-29-2022 02:52 PM

I wanted to be an archaeologist.

Scrap-therapy 06-30-2022 09:32 AM

When I was little I wanted to be a singer, no idea why because even if I love singing I sing really bad!:D

MommaTrish 06-30-2022 11:44 AM

X-Man or witch :D

lizziej 07-04-2022 06:49 PM

Airline "stewardess" or hair stylist.

Sherri Tierney 07-07-2022 01:50 PM

As a child, I aspired to be a mom and a teacher. I have 2 kids and 2 stepkids. I have worked in education 11 years and went back to school to finally get that teaching degree. I am getting ready to start my first year of teaching. I am doing exactly what I always said I wanted to do. The only other thing on my list was to be a writer. I fully intend to write a book one of these days. Maybe my students will inspire me to get on that!

aussiegirl 07-07-2022 01:57 PM

Elementary School me would have been a teacher. Middle School to High School me would have had a dream job of a Marine Biologist (if I actually liked science and was a strong swimmer). More attainable Middle School/ High School me would have been an Interior Decorator, Author or Travel Agent.
College me Studied Elementary Education, wanting to do Early Childhood/Daycare.

Karen_ 07-08-2022 08:31 AM

I wanted to be a dentist as a kid... I'm not sad that I didn't pursue that route though. Lol. Too many years of school!

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