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ksbella ksbella is offline

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  1. ksbella
    05-03-2010 11:32 PM
    Yeah it was a long weekend here, but of course I didnt get to spend a lot of time online, I was sick the end of last week and then the kids were over the weekend so its been for a long miserable weekend! Luckily they are all starting to feel better (fingers crossed!)
  2. ksbella
    05-03-2010 11:32 PM
    LOL Thats ok!
    I know Rio Tinto, I actually used to work for a mining company (in their HO though!) here in Queensland before children/husband came along!
    Where is Tassie are you moving back too? DH would like to move there, and its not totally out of the picture, I suppose, we have our house on the market and want to move away from suburbia, but we just cant make up our mind if we want to stay in QLD or move to Tassie!

    I havent had mine printed in a while, I used to get them done at a local printer in Victoria when we lived there, but since moving back to QLD I havent had them printed. I'm probably going to get them done into a book one day, I know that Suzie at My Reflections (http://www.myreflections.com.au/) does really good books, so I might even look at getting one done through her to see how they come out.
  3. Ebony
    05-03-2010 11:02 PM
    Sorry about my late late reply. It doesn't notify me when you write back on your wall

    I'm from Rural Western Aus aka The Pilbara. My boyfriend works for Rio Tinto so that's why I am stuck here for the time being. I am actually moving (back) to Tasmania for 6 months at the end of July. Just to have a bit of 'me' time and be closer to my fam.

    Was wondering, where do you get your pages printed? I've never printed any out professionally, and all the goodies the other girls post about are very US based.

    Hope you had a great iNSD. I had a blast!
  4. ksbella
    03-22-2010 02:12 AM
    Hi Ebony! It's always so nice to see another Aussie on a team! Especially when we are normally behind everyone else in time! I'm new to LL's crew as well, and pretty new to SSD here although I've been registered here since 2007! Never really had it as my digi home, but I'm loving it here so far so I will definatly be hanging out here more!

    Sunny Queensland is pretty raining and muggy today! Luckily the rain has stopped long enough for the kids to go and run outside and burn off some of that energy they all have!
    Where do you live?
  5. Ebony
    03-22-2010 02:09 AM
    Woo hoo! Fellow Australian! Found you in the Libby Lou Crew's forum. I'm pretty new around here too, and brand new there! I can't wait to get to know you How's sunny old QLD today?

About Me

  • About ksbella
    I'm 30, married with 5 children
    Sunshine Coast, Australia
    Scrapping, Reading, Photography
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    BIG FAN!


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  • Last Activity: 09-17-2015 05:26 PM
  • Join Date: 03-31-2007


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