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Libby Pritchett Libby Pritchett is offline


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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. christiesecho
    12-13-2018 08:14 PM
    Yesterday you posted my layout for the 1st day of Hygge. I am trying to post todays layout and I still can not get it to work. I follow the you tube video but I never see the image. Can you tell me why it isn't working for me? I tried 2 different browsers too.
  2. Jan Merkley
    06-05-2016 06:14 PM
    Jan Merkley
    Hi. I'm sending this message to a couple of you ladies in hopes that someone can help me out:

    Hi. I have been trying since yesterday to post my layouts in the gallery for the bingo challenges. Everything goes okay until after that final click to finish up the uploading. Then I get this message:

    We're sorry, but the system experienced an unrecoverable error. Please try again later.

    When I look at the layouts in the bingo challenge gallery, mine shows up as being posted. But when I click on mine to go to the page where people can make comments on it, it is just a blank spot with a question mark in a blue square.

    Please help! Thanks so much.

    Jan Merkley
  3. skittle7547
    11-06-2014 10:24 AM
    Hi Libby! I am trying to upload and participate on this site more. I had a question regarding my profile pic. I added one and it is not showing up when I reply or post anything. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help, Maria
  4. MissK
    07-02-2013 10:54 PM
    Hi Libby, Question: I am one of the CT members of Sugarplum Paperie and new to Sweet Shoppe Designs. How does it work over here. Nicole mentioned to give my user name to the admins so I would be granted access to the forum. Who can I contact to see if it has been done? Thanks in advance!!! Cecilia
  5. lewench
    01-09-2013 09:57 AM
    Good morning Libby, I absolutely love the Loser scrapbook kit you created as I am using it to journal my journey from 235 down to hopefully 135. I was wondering what font you used in the milestone buttons? I would like to create one for 75 and have the font match the 25 and 50lbs button that are already on the page. Thanks again for all the other great kits and the hard work you put in to them.
  6. kyronandkennedygracemom
    11-24-2009 11:22 AM
    HEllo Libby just wanted to let you know that I really love your work. What type of program do you use?
  7. tracey
    03-20-2009 12:47 AM
  8. mrshobbes
    03-05-2009 06:26 AM
    Am online if you need a sounding board Take care, sweetie!
  9. pookie
    02-26-2009 03:27 PM
    love your designs.
  10. Claudi
    12-26-2008 12:58 AM
    Merry Christmas Girl!!

About Me

  • About Libby Pritchett
  • Signature
    ♥ Libby
    My Shoppe


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  • Last Activity: 02-16-2024 12:04 AM
  • Join Date: 04-07-2007


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